Custom Spider-Man Suit Build


New Member
Hey everyone!
I've been lurking around these forums for a while now and it is time for me to start building my own suit. What's the plan? The suit I'm planning on building is my own twist on Spider-Man's black suit. It will be a sort of mash up between the MCU Spidey, Topher Grace's Venom suit but also the many potrayals of the symbiote from the comics.
After seeing Black Panther I've also decided to integrate a few elements from T'Chaka's suit, seen briefly at the beginning of the movie.
Now to what I have purchased:

-TJack's Homecoming faceshell:

-LDS_3d's v3 Homecoming lenses:
IMG_1156 (1).jpeg

This will be the most notable MCU influenced aspect of the suit. The suit itself will most likely be puffy painted but I am still playing around with a few other ideas.
Please give me as many advices as you can as I have 0 experience when it comes to actually building a cosplay.

Thank you all for reading, updates coming very soon!

P.S. If anyone has reference pictures of T'Chaka's suit I'd be very grateful
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Update time! Looked up possible textures and this one seems perfect. It really conveys that the suit is alive, like a bio-mass:
Thanks Brandon Gilbert, suit looks amazing

This could be done by using tons of puffy paint. I’d also like the symbol to have a silver coloring like the one in this picture:
It would have to be flat and similar to the comics so pretty big compared to what we see here. Does anyone have any idea on how to pull this off?
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The spider symbol in that photo is cast out of urethane rubber, probably something like VytaFlex. You can pigment the rubber to be whatever color you like.
Ok small update for y'all!
Just bought this beauty from Replica Industries to match the lenses:

Other than that, not much. I've been sketching up a few designs that I'll be posting in the following days.


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Received the faceshell today !

Looks super accurate, definitely recommend hitting up Replica Industries on Instagram if you want one for yourself !
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