Avengers: Infinity War (Post-release)

What did you think of Avengers: Infinity War?

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This is the post-release thread for Avengers: Infinity War with spoiler discussion.

Today (April 23) the movie will have its world premiere in LA. It's getting released in many countries on April 25 and 26, while US and some countries will get it on April 27.

Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War - Official Trailer - YouTube

The Road to Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War - The Art of the Marvel Cinematic Universe


Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War - The Art of the Movie



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Saw it an hour ago, Love the movie.... also a little funny thing is that it looks like Tony has the same 3d printer as me and my friend have... A Anet a8
Holy Cow... That ending... Was not expecting it at all. I don’t think the story overall is really solid story in the way a Winter Soldier was, but it’s à hell of a spectacle. And also I feel it’s actually Thanos’ movie, he is the main character here, and probably the best vilain in all of Marvel’s history.
Quite frankly I'm stunned.

This is never going to be my favorite Marvel Film.

At least until the sequel comes out. Then as a complete experience, with the two to balance things out (Thanos quote!) quite possibly.

Its definitely the darkest and most "Empirest" of any MU movie ever. And I cannot believe we have twelve long,long months to wait to really see the overall end.


One very end of credits scene that sets up the sequel and an introduction brilliantly. Everybody needs to see this without spoilers and then get a stiff drink afterward.

For a journey started ten years ago, well , its , its been a bit emotional. There may be tears.

PS: I can see why some of the reviewers on RT don't like it, without a working knowledge of the MU universe it would be a bit difficult to follow and it is utterly relentless in its pacing. I feel, once the second film is released , that it will satisfy more people , and hopefully that there may be some additional scenes that could be edited back in. I would love a special edition of this and the sequel.
This is not a direct criticism of the film, I thought it was a brilliant MU movie, its most "comic book" yet, but the shear scope of it meant they had to cram in a hell of a lot, rather like "Age of Ultron". It definitely was dominated by Thanos and Thor, and it brought all the different elements and characters together really well. But its rare to hear an audience rendered completely silent by a film and this did it on three occasions ,and by that ending you could hear a pin drop.
Other than a few CGI shots that didn't seem as well finished as I would have hoped, and I'm not sure about somebody going all Sméagol/\Gollum on us I've got to say I'm still overall stunned by it, but in the same "good" way I was when I saw TESB.
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Blown away by a midnight showing here in the UK, cinema surprisingly packed for that time of night. Glad I avoided all spoilers so first death (if they stay dead) was total surprise. Best fanboy moment was realising who the giant was ‘who drinks and knows things’ even down to the voice! Perhaps the DC guys need to be tied to a chair and shown this movie several times in order to understand how to portray a totally destructive villain, who is also sympathetic. Go see.
That was fantastic. A villain you feel for? Crazy. That was just a well told story. I dug the return of the guy that watched over the soul stone. That was a nice surprise.
Interesting that the line form the trailers about “fun when balancing the universe” wasn’t in the film.
Saw the first showing. If you followed the MCU movies to this point like my family has (we are all in the theater tonight) it will knock you on your ass. It's relentless. This movie makes you feel every human emotion you can feel. You relate to everyone in some way. The "spoiler" I'm going to post below is not really a spoiler... I'm just going to give an example of how some people reacted while the credits were rolling.

This movie is a jarring experience and every single person I was with cried to some degree at some point whether it was happy or sad. While the credits were rolling I could hear some people reacting by all out sobbing and others who were really excited about part II. It effects you in so many ways.

This was a great movie... Very very very well done.
My girlfriend and I watched it in IMAX 3D here in the UK at 10am on Thursday, the cinema was packed with like minded very excited Marvel fans.
I am going to watch it again after work today with my Marvel fan buddy.

Marvel absolutely nailed it again.

And wow, that end credits scene, what a set up!
Saw it, and enjoyed it - I really liked the no-holds-barred attitude it had to the characters, it added a real sense of 'anything can happen'

My only complaints would be tonally, the Wakanda scenes felt like they were a completely different movie, both in pace and cinematography. And the CGI at times looked quite bad, especially the Hulkbuster at key points, which is surprising bearing in mind how well they did Thanos.

And secondly, there was a point where I really, really really really wanted Led Zeppelin's The Immigrant Song to make an appearance. Once you've seen the film, you will know exactly which scene I mean.
Saw it yesterday night. I´m still in shock. May be not the best Marvel film, but the movie I´ve had the most feelings with. Atonishing !! Funny, sad, surprise, disbelief...... let´s hope next avenger movie.
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