You're Next (Post-release)


Master Member
You're Next movie discussion with spoilers.

YOU'RE NEXT Trailer Is Here On A Perfect Day | Badass Digest

You're Next - Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube

Release Date: August 23, 2013

Synopsis: When the Davison family comes under attack during their wedding anniversary getaway, the gang of mysterious killers soon learns that one of victims harbors a secret talent for fighting back.

Director: Adam Wingard
Writer: Simon Barrett
Cast: Sharni Vinson, Joe Swanberg, AJ Bowen, Nicholas Tucci

IMDB: You're Next (2011) - IMDb







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The buzz for You're Next has been great. But no signs of this movie being released here in India any time soon :(.
Just got back from seeing it. My wife just couldn't wait. This was a special advance screening, evidently. Maybe 30 people in the theater, tops. Everybody seemed to enjoy it—in particular one young guy near the back row.

In all honesty, for me the masks were the most interesting part of the movie. I was kinda bored for the first half or so; I mean, how many variations on the "killers coming to get you in the house" story can there be? (OK, how many good ones?) The killings were not groundbreaking, which was actually refreshing. (There were no overly imaginative ways to kill people, although there was one that seemed out of place.) There was a little bit of humor.

Overall, I was entertained, but I would rather have waited to rent it. My wife was disappointed that it was more of a cat-and-mouse thriller than an outright scare-fest. But pretty solid.
Oh, and one other thing. Shaky cam. In some places it's just ridiculous. Two people are talking and the camera is bobbing around like the cameraman is drunk. Very distracting.

That is all.
i just got back from seeing and, for the most part, i enjoyed. I thought it was a great nod to classic survival slasher films of the 80's except for the fact that the was filmed in shaky cam! It cooled off in the end but holy hell, i thought i was going to need dramamine during the dinner scene!

Aside from that, i thought it was a decent movie with a great ending, as a rental anyway. The lead actress was great in that she wasnt your typical screaming damsel you so often see in slasher/horror films.

i give it a B-
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