Toys Of Our Youth

Hello. Does anyone recognize this purple ball thing stuck in the bike wheel? It is approximately 3" in diameter. It is like a Mad Ball but I can't find a match for it. It is also 1993 or older.
Screenshot-2018-6-13 Seaweed(66).png
I've actually been trying to find this toy I had in either the late 80s or early 90s. I don't know waht it was from and can only remember the basics of it. It being a vehicle with these orangeish red guys. Maybe I can try and draw it best I can from memory and see if anyone knows what in the world the toy was.

I'm pretty sure your talking about these AIR RAIDERS . DOH! If I had finished the thread I would have seen that you found one.
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I didn't see Mattel's Verti-Bird Mentioned.

View attachment 829687

Verti Bird was the BOMB!! I flew that thing for hours and hours when I was a kid. One of my friends got the big styrofoam ship with one on it. I was so jealous cuz that boat seemed so big.

Ironically, I found one of these in a store back in the late 90s. My buds and I would get drunk as Cooter Brown and have contests flying it and trying to pick up stuff. It was actually easier when I was a kid. Don't drink and fly, folks!:lol
Never saw that one.

Me neither. I do remember seeing things like that in the Christmas catalogs all the time though. I pull stuff out like that any time my nephew would complain about being bored and not having a game to play (despite having at least, probably more, 30 360 and Xbox One games).
I had this. A mechanical arm moved an LED across the screen. It got set in motion by winding it up. You had to press the right button to basically lower a gate which kept the LED moving back toward the other side.

You have NO idea how jealous I am of you! :eek

I was shocked to find it in my attic after coming home from college, in the 90's. I even remembered to take out the batteries before putting it away. It's our go to board game, and my 11 year old son LOVES playing with his friends, who've never seen it either.
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