Luke ROTJ V2 saber build

This is ridiculously cool - i've only just joined therpf, but this is exactly the kind of project/info i was hoping I would see!

How are you intending on transferring the drawing to the lathe? (unless you have a fancy automated machine to lathe it?)

Reason I ask is that i'm getting a beginner's lathe soon, having an experimental project like this would be fun, but I can't see myself being able to convert working drawings to the finished product (i would be doing it all by eye i guess?)

nice one!
First off, thank you very much for your interest and secondly, addressing your questions, I do not have a CNC lathe. What I do have access to is a manual, metric radial cut, Canadian made lathe from the 60's. It has pretty precise dials so I can match my cuts to my drawings with high accuracy.

From what you've said, It sounds to me that you may only know what wood lathes are and simply don't know, by no fault of your own, what a metal working lathe is.

As a side note, a vernier or digital caliper can be used to measure your diameters on a wood lathe. You can get pretty close, as I did in my first post on this thread.
Adam Savage’s metal lathe is the only one I’ve ever seen (and that’s only via YouTube)
I live in London, space is a pretty luxurious commodity so a minuscule shed - this little hobby Lathe is all I’m going to fit, wood will remain my only material for a while I reckon!
Your first post wooden prototype looks great (I’m totally respectful of your desire to attain higher levels of accuracy).

Going to check eBay for a vernier or digital caliper (which I’ve also seen AS use in his Tested videos).

“May your coolant forever flow freely”
sounds like a plan. just sneak up on your final dimensions and you should be good. I would also recommend a digital caliper instead of a vernier. That way you wont become near sighted and you wont have to do math
Initial shaping. Not too concerned about surface finish because, well it should be pretty obvious
It will be sanded and the roughens on the 90's will be filed out.
Wow impressive work. MOST IMPRESSIVE. Can t wait to see this finished, almost nobody does the V2, Im glad to see it getting some love.
Oh, there is plenty of love to go around but thanks regardless

I've made further progress but I wont post another update until the grenade section is done.
Whoops. Grove spacing is way off. By at least 1.5mm each.
My own fault of course. I have never really done grooving before. Not a total loss though, This is a trial run anyways. For the next V2 I will not make it a one piece. Big mistake.

At least the clamp fits XD
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Still You've made progress - I bet you've learned a bit just starting it this way. Never used a lathe except for 7th grade shop class so it always amazes me the ways people go about these projects.
Thanks, I've only been metal turning for 8 months. Still a serious noob.

Its not as hard as it looks but it is really easy to ruin your piece ...or your arm if you're not careful.
On to the pommel. I have done all that's possible on the lathe, now it's milling time. whoop dee do.
If I am a noob at turning than I am less than that when it comes to milling. I have a plan... well, someone else had a plan that I'm going to copy. this guy does

Just have to figure out the math for mine (who knows how I'm going to to that right) and away we go

Oh, and here are my plans with the angles put in if anyone dares use them.


  • V2 Saber Drawing AW.pdf
    1.5 MB · Views: 264
So, here is the deal. I worked out the math only to find that my school's indexing head (essential for pommel making) had been stolen.
So no pommel.

Here is the "finished" saber . until I can get someone to mill it for me it is done.

So, all in all, %40 movie accurate. The paint is just a rough job nowhere close to accurate.

A good learning experience. I know a lot more about turning, 3D modeling and the real saber.
I will make one last build post after this, the knurled knob and chunk, but i'm pretty done with looking at all that's wrong with this build. The next one will be better (and in SEPARATE parts) but this is the new bench mark for me, an 18 year old fan boy. Huge thank you to everyone who helped out with this one! it was good fun and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

So, until the next and final post on this build, so long for now.

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