My first sculpting Faces (Guess who's inside)


Sr Member
Hi there, it's my first time opening these Thread about sculpture... but for a good reason :
I've been sculpting for the first time ever these last week (I spent about 1 week on each sculpture)

so they're made out of super sculpey :

01 : Clue - Only true gamer willl find out who this guy is (my. very first try)

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02 : Clue - I guess you won't need any clue here :


03 : my last one (finished yesterday) :

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Cool. You have a good sense of proportions and anatomy. The brows just seem a tad sharp and could be softened a bit. A really good reference is actually looking at life casts.
Very good for being your first sculpts. Keep it up
Thanks, I'm getting better and discover new method by trial and error, but I have a weakness when it comes to achieve a real likeliness on portraits (And I really don't understand how to make female character) - There always something "off" on my sculpts :/ I guess it is a matter of good references and measurements
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