star wars identities models Belgium

Damn, it looks like I missed an area on the Interceptor! If anyone has or can get a clear shot of this part in the first pic, I would be super grateful!

Additionally, the second pic has parts I could use better angles of. I got a few shots but the lighting made the pictures too blurry.

These are the last parts I need to ID on this model. I don't need freebies, just good pics to ID them properly. Thanks!


EDIT: Thanks to some help in form of a closeup of the first pic, I confirmed the part.


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Joe, thanks for the pics...don't know where you ate your fries, but must've been a "off day" for that restaurant/frit kot;)...never had bad fries in Belgium. Then again, you could have bad pasta in Italy:D
Joe, thanks for the pics...don't know where you ate your fries, but must've been a "off day" for that restaurant/frit kot;)...never had bad fries in Belgium. Then again, you could have bad pasta in Italy:D
Lol, oh, no, don't get me wrong, the fries were great. I just think all fries in Italy are amazing, although they are not served the same way as in Belgium. Something about the shape and crunch. They are very consistent between restaurants, stores, etc. Same with burgers, Italian restaurants make some great burgers...expensive but great. Pasta.....I'm gonna get beat up here,'s good but boring. One restaurant in my area does have the best gnocchi ever, though!!! Not really pasta but still amazing Italian.

Belgium cliche as this may seem.....are the BEST waffles in the world.....Liege are great but regular ones are what I mean. And I know my waffles, lol! I am actually messing with a batter recipe to try and mimic them.

So, long story short, fries were really good....especially with the ketchup curry!

Fritland, a truck outside the Atonium, and one other place are where we got fries. Sorry, it's morning here, just woke up and am hungry. Just realized I started rambling on about food! LOL!!!

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