Diameter of R2 main body


Sr Member
So my next big build is going to be a static astromech droid, to go with my Gonk.

For those of you who have build a 1:1 R2, what are the dimensions of the main body?

Closest thing I have is an old EP III Pepsi cooler that resembles R2, but is waaaaay bigger. But I will scale down the legs/ head from that once I get the torso done.

Wookieepedia puts an astromech at just shy of one meter in height, including the head.
You should join astromech.net

That’s the r2 builders club, they have all the specs there. Great group of guys always willing to help

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Stopped by the site, turns out I made an account there a couple years ago.

Got the info I need, so just to share, the barrel of R2's body is 18"x21.5".

The hunt for parts begins soon.

Stick with that site for parts. We r2 builders live by a code, and all of our parts fit

Once you buy parts outside of that site there’s no guarantee they will fit

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Threads like this are both why I love the RPF and why I don't always love the RPF.

Anytime I see a Thread titled something like "Boba Fett paint colors" or "What are the correct Boba Fett helmet paint colors" I always click and view the Thread as I've got a Fett helmet that one of these days I'm going to get painted and I need the correct paint colors myself.

Every time. EVERY TIME the Thread goes the same way: "You'll want to check out TDH"...."You can totally get that info on TDH".... "I'd visit TDH for those paint colors".....


I have in the past, not too recently, searched the RPF for Threads about Fett paint and there is always a lot of paint talk but (at least I couldn't find) an RPF Thread that just gives the correct paint colors/numbers based on specific paint brands. Everyone always tells the OP to check out TDH.

I'm a member of TDH and I remember going several times to TDH and I had a hard time finding a list of specific paint brands/colors there also, but again this was several years ago.

It's not a deal to me, I just have never understood why no one ever suggests another character-specific site BUT ALSO provides the requested info.
Well, at least with R2, you need to go to astromech.net. To put the amount of info needed here to build a good R2, you would need to create a whole new site.... ermmm????
Well, at least with R2, you need to go to astromech.net. To put the amount of info needed here to build a good R2, you would need to create a whole new site.... ermmm????

I’m not disagreeing at all. I agree whole-heartedly.

But, also, WHY can’t anyone recommend Astromech AND give the requested measurements. That’s the part I’ve been trying to understand FOR YEARS.
Call me crazy, because I probably am, but I want to build the body and legs, and then have multiple heads and part colors to swap out. Classic dome and blue parts for Artoo, red parts and head for R4, and a custom R6 done in green and black.

That's the goal, though I'm starting with my R6 first, just to make my mistakes and learn from them before moving to a canon droid.

I'm also starting this out as a static prop, with maybe a few lights. But I'm going to try to scratch build it all, too.

James Kenobi 1138, I get what you're saying. I agree that JY would've been easy to just say, "the trunk is 18.25"x 21.5", but further specs can be found at..."
Doesn't matter, though, I have a profile at Astromech, which I forgot about, and I'll be there a lot as I start my build.
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It's because it's not "18.25 x 21.5" it's 18.25 x 21.5 with an inner diameter on the top ring of xxx, vertical columns that must be in this certain place for the legs to mount to, a bottom support with this shape, with these sized holes drilled into it at y coordinates to accept additional parts, etc. The "frame dimensions" have hundreds of calculations just by themselves. So pointing someone straight to the source repository of where all of that information is permanently held for builders is more appropriate than going to look it up, copy it, and paste it in a random thread that'll get lost in the mix eventually.
It's because it's not "18.25 x 21.5" it's 18.25 x 21.5 with an inner diameter on the top ring of xxx, vertical columns that must be in this certain place for the legs to mount to, a bottom support with this shape, with these sized holes drilled into it at y coordinates to accept additional parts, etc. The "frame dimensions" have hundreds of calculations just by themselves. So pointing someone straight to the source repository of where all of that information is permanently held for builders is more appropriate than going to look it up, copy it, and paste it in a random thread that'll get lost in the mix eventually.

But that's not the info I asked for. So a simple 18.25x21.5 would have satisfied the initial request.
It's because it's not "18.25 x 21.5" it's 18.25 x 21.5 with an inner diameter on the top ring of xxx, vertical columns that must be in this certain place for the legs to mount to, a bottom support with this shape, with these sized holes drilled into it at y coordinates to accept additional parts, etc. The "frame dimensions" have hundreds of calculations just by themselves. So pointing someone straight to the source repository of where all of that information is permanently held for builders is more appropriate than going to look it up, copy it, and paste it in a random thread that'll get lost in the mix eventually.

Thank you

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But that's not the info I asked for. So a simple 18.25x21.5 would have satisfied the initial request.

Jeez dude, seriously?

what are the dimensions of the main body
To me that means you want the actual dimensions of the main body.
You do know that it's not a cylinder right? there are more dimensions than just height and diameter. It's flat towards the bottom on both sides to accept the battery boxes when he goes to 2-leg mode. you need those dimentions. the struts have to be in certain places for things to fit like the vents, octogon ports, kick plates, etc.
Halliwax pointed you to the source of all accurate dimensions and information because that is the absolute best place to go for that sort of thing.
"18.25x21.5" won't help you build an R2 at all and your "initial request" would have been followed with additional request after additional request until ultimately someone pointed you to the right place, which is the R2 builder site. Don't bite the hand that feeds you man, people are just trying to help. You need more than just height and diameter to build and R2.

Good luck with your build. can't wait to see the swappable parts idea.
Call me crazy, because I probably am, but I want to build the body and legs, and then have multiple heads and part colors to swap out. Classic dome and blue parts for Artoo, red parts and head for R4, and a custom R6 done in green and black.

That's the goal, though I'm starting with my R6 first, just to make my mistakes and learn from them before moving to a canon droid.

I'm also starting this out as a static prop, with maybe a few lights. But I'm going to try to scratch build it all, too.

@James Kenobi 1138, I get what you're saying. I agree that JY would've been easy to just say, "the trunk is 18.25"x 21.5", but further specs can be found at..."
Doesn't matter, though, I have a profile at Astromech, which I forgot about, and I'll be there a lot as I start my build.
Make sure to post your work for R6 on here too, can't wait to see it. The swappable idea sounds pretty cool too.
Check Michael Baddeley on Facebook and print one just like this. He has several head options too.


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