Solo: A Star Wars Story

Here is what is hilarious...

Based on what I am seeing in trailer, most of Redletter Media’s predictions about the movie are coming true:

- I believe they said that Woody gives him his first DL-44? (And probably his vest...”ya need a good ‘smuggler’s vest’ kid!”)
- Woody calls him “kid”
- Someone he looks up to teaches him to be distrustful of people / causes
- Han meets Chewbacca
- the Kessel Run
- Han wins the Falcon

And probably more...

It’s noteworthy that the Redletter Media video was released before the trailers, I believe.
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Here is what is hilarious...

Based on what I am seeing in trailer, most of Redletter Media’s predictions about the movie are coming true:

- I believe they said that Woody gives him his first DL-44? (And probably his vest...”ya need a good ‘smuggler’s vest’ kid!”)
- Woody calls him “kid”
- Woody teaches him to be distrustful of people / causes
- Han meets Chewbacca
- the Kessel Run
- Han wins the Falcon

And probably more...

It’s noteworthy that the Redletter Media video was released before the trailers, I believe.
Well given that this was pitched as a young han solo movie most of those story beats are a given, not hard to predict.
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Gee, the piracy card got played a lot sooner than I expected. This was obviously never a problem with TFA, R1, Fast and Furious, Transformers and my personal favorite, The Ex Files. Strange how this only became an issue with the abysmal failure of TLJ. Obviously being a pure market free from shill critics, shallow excuses and no binding contractual agreements with Theatre owners is irrelevant.

Disney have painted themselves in to a real corner by trying to fool the Chinese market by dropping Star Wars from the title and renaming it Ranger Solo. If anyone has family or friends there it would be fascinating to know if they have removed Chewbacca from any marketing. Where does this leave them with Episode Nein? If Ranger Solo fails there as all indicators say it will, will they change the name a second time?
I know I'm in the minority, but I'm looking forward to seeing this. With that, I saw something at Target yesterday that gives me reason for concern, though I'm not sure why. They had the Falcon from the new movie out for sale. Though they call it Kessel Run Millenium Falcon (and comes with a Solo figure), nowhere that I could see specifically says it's from the movie Solo, just generic Star Wars.:confused
Clint Howard's cameo!


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If Efys is male in North America and female in Europe, then the cards/toys will have a greater value for collectors:lol...or they're pushing a Transgender agenda:unsure
In my opinion we will get a Maverick like ending. At the end Lando and Han have become friends through the heist, they are playing a game of cards the stake gets high and it ends when Han wins the Falcon in some manner.
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