The Last Starfighter Sequel

Yes, let's take a show and make it only able to be fully experienced if you shell out the obscene amount of money for an Oculus Rift or similar device. No, this isn't a partnership with VR developers AT ALL.

Found this posted on IGN.

Rogue One writer Gary Whitta has shared concept art for a possible new Last Starfighter project.

Whitta revealed the images on Twitter and they feature plenty of spaceships. "Okay, probably shouldn’t show you this so early but here’s a little something I’ve been tinkering on with my co-writer Jonathan Betuel," Whitta tweeted. "You might recognize the ships. Thanks to the amazing Matt Allsopp (lead concept artist on ROGUE ONE) for creating these images for us."



In all seriousness, I wouldn't be surprised if the announcement that Universal was moving forward with ARMADA (which could most charitably be called "a dirty ******* ripoff of Last Starfighter" at best) finally got Betuel to stop being so guarded with the remake rights to STARFIGHTER and get things moving.

I hope this happens, I really do!
Agreed. The Gunstar really doesn't need anything done to it. I'm not a fan of what they've done to it in that concept art.

A reboot could be okay if they treat it with a bit of respect. But nothing will be a good as the original. It was a true product of its times.
I would also be totally happy if they just did a shot-for-shot update of the CG assets without altering any of the story.

If they actually do a sequel, the idea I had years ago still holds up. THE FIRST STARFIGHTER. Alex has been helping rebuild the Starfighter Legion, learning about the Star League and its history, has been trying to get Earth taken seriously, etc. Then something sabotage-y happens. Maybe return of Xur. Maybe some other threat. All I had was/is: Grig and Centauri get killed and Alex realizes someone's targeting the people he cares about to get to him. He whisks Maggie to safety just in time, and things go from there, possibly also involving Louis. I didn't want to get too far into plot points.

A respectful continuation of the story, I wouldn't mind seeing. Reboot or pale imitation? Not so much.

I guess I must be the only one who didn't like this movie. I thought it was dumb as hell. This came out not long after TRON and while I loved those FX for a computer world, I didn't think they worked well for an outer space movie. At least not the level CGI was at the time.

I remember thinking "These people live in trailer park and yet they leave a $5000 arcade game outside in the elements all the time?" Nobody ever did that!! And that star blossom or whatever it was called was beyond stupid, I thought.
I got the book for christmas in I think 1984? I loved it and could not wait to see the movie, and liked the movie as well but also thought it was "B".

I hate the current trend to streamline everything. It has been going on for quite a few years now, and I guess it is todays (since the 2000´s) equivalent of chrome in the 50ies to say "we are looking at the future".
I hate the current trend to streamline everything. It has been going on for quite a few years now, and I guess it is todays (since the 2000´s) equivalent of chrome in the 50ies to say "we are looking at the future".

Haven't we always done that, though?


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uh... guys?

Aside of the Dire and Unyielding need to change my shorts, this is still only concept art. nothing a good sketch artist couldn't do as a commission. as per all of the "don't screw with the design" talk... it looks like all they really did was "flatten" out the fuselage some and smooth out all of the 80's low-poly-ness of the OG.

Exhibit A:

I really, really, don't wanna jump the gun here, but regardless, May the Luck of the Seven Pillars of Gooloo be with Whitta at all times!

RE: above. I love this movie to Rylos and back, and would punch a hole in the Frontier myself if it meant I would get a sequel. I guess this means i'm going to accelerate my Gunstar modeling project.
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