Magnum PI reboot

If nothing else, please, please, PLEASE.... give him the Tigers cap, 1911, and a glorious mustache. IMO, those are trademark characteristics.

If nothing else, please, please, PLEASE.... give him the Tigers cap, 1911, and a glorious mustache. IMO, those are trademark characteristics.


... and we will get an Aztec cap, chromed M9, and a goatee.

If they go 5-0 reboot route then I won't make it past the pilot.
I have tired to watch the new 5-0 numerous times because of Hawaii, Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park but can't make it through an entire show.
If nothing else, please, please, PLEASE.... give him the Tigers cap, 1911, and a glorious mustache. IMO, those are trademark characteristics.

I thought it would help, but...


...nope, nope, nope. He looks like a hot dog vendor at Comerica Park.
Oh! that image and narration are forever burned into my consciousness.

Jay is going to need the freedom to be his version of Magnum for this to have any chance of working.
Anything less will come across a bad Tom Selleck cosplay.
Every single day I thank the Lord for letting me grow up in the era I did.

I would have accepted Five-O more if the new MacGarret was the grandson of Steve.

There re is no need to reboot Magnum. Just create a new series about a PI set in Hawaii. Nothing wrong in that.
Higgins passed away. Thomas took over the estate. Now his long lost son has come to get to know him and learn the trade.

Just as much cliche without having to barf over yet another "reboot"

That would never happen. The new producers have to put their own spin on things and of course it has to be PC.
I gave up when i heard it was being done by the 5-0 people. Nothing about that show seems grounded in reality. McGarrett seems like a super hero. He can solo anything. He can take on an entire army on his own. Way too over the top.

Magnum was charm and rarely were the cases massive conspiracies. Charm seems dead these days and the case has to always be do or die with the city or country hanging in the balance.
Higgins passed away. Thomas took over the estate. Now his long lost son has come to get to know him and learn the trade.

Just as much cliche without having to barf over yet another "reboot"

Actually... a simpler plot would be his estranged daughter Lily (who had become special forces/seal/whatever following in the footsteps of her dad) comes back to the island to solve the murder of her father with the help of her dad's old army buddies Rick and TC... season 1 arc... and settles into the PI life as she realizes she's good at it....

Higgins/Robin Masters had willed the estate to Magnum (which he never willingly accepted and let it sit unused), which Lily discovers during her investigation... which now obviously the old Robin Masters estate now becomes hers....

Boom... female lead, ties to the old series, etc. etc....
Actually... a simpler plot would be his estranged daughter Lily (who had become special forces/seal/whatever following in the footsteps of her dad) comes back to the island to solve the murder of her father with the help of her dad's old army buddies Rick and TC... season 1 arc... and settles into the PI life as she realizes she's good at it....

Higgins/Robin Masters had willed the estate to Magnum (which he never willingly accepted and let it sit unused), which Lily discovers during her investigation... which now obviously the old Robin Masters estate now becomes hers....

Boom... female lead, ties to the old series, etc. etc....

That would work.

Another option though...if you look at Selleck now...he could still believably play a charming/goofy PI himself.

Actually... a simpler plot would be his estranged daughter Lily (who had become special forces/seal/whatever following in the footsteps of her dad)
Boom... female lead, ties to the old series, etc. etc....

Except there is no such thing as a female special forces soldier or Navy seal.
Reality keeps standing in the way of that PC fantasy.
Yet, drop that bit and your idea sounds so much better than I feel what we are going to get.
:eek WOW! :eek

I knew the main house and grounds were in bad shape, just have to see what they do to it.

Thank god they can’t touch the tidal pool which is the ONLY place I swim at when I am in Oahu
I confess I wasn't a huge fan of either Magnum or 5-0, but just seeing iconic pieces of art trampled upon - or, more accurately, exploited - in lieu of someone's new "vision", almost makes me nauseous.

It all started with the Chevy "Nova". :-\
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