Solo: A Star Wars Story

Possibly spoiler-material:

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Six years and three films and nothing but tumble weeds and crickets from McDisney about George Lucas and then within two days he`s suddenly directing a small scene and thought of the SOLO movie, what a joke. I wish someone asked him from Disney Weekly how he feels about the name Star Wars being dropped from a movie title for the first time ever.

At the time of the sale, i believe they said there were treatments for 7-9 as well as for other movies, some were noted as not being SW. It didn't say there was no SW in the extra - IIRC. What would be the point of mentioning that anyhow? Once they mentioned 7-9 that's all anyone was going to hear or care about.
That has got to be artwork for the back of a toy box. That would mean it's hinged on the toy, not necessarily the ship.
Makes me think of The Phantom on Rebels. I know we shouldn't trust toys as an indicator of what's onscreen but this makes a fair amount of sense.
Makes me think of The Phantom on Rebels. I know we shouldn't trust toys as an indicator of what's onscreen but this makes a fair amount of sense.

In a video I saw on Twitter the mandible and rear engine deck covers pop off when the play feature of maximum speed is hit.


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This thing is really cool! The pod between the mandibles can hold an action figure and the panels pop off revealing her true self.

When I read that I expected the action figure to have panels popping off that shows it's someone else. I was disappointed. :lol ;)

I think the clue to the pointed nose is in that EW story you posted. Since it said Lando uses it as a flying party bus (or something like that), it's probably a module that gives you another room on the ship.
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