New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones duo

Just saw this. Interested to see what they'll come up with. When they are adapting GRRM's material on Game of Thrones, they're great. When they veer away from the source material, the outcome has been mediocre at best. Hopefully they have better luck with Star Wars.
D&D take a lot of flack from ASoIaF book zealots, but consider the amount of time GRRM had to map out his story for each book, and look at how little time (both in terms of episodes per season, and between seasons) D&D has to provide substance that match the depth of GRRM's books, and it's one hell of a task. As one of those that feels ADWD felt phoned-in and unnecessarily contrived, I've been fairly happy with their work after a subpar season 5, where they had to start finding their way with new material. Does it feel as weighty overall? No. And oh man, did the Arya/Sansa/Littefinger arc feel amazingly underwhelming to me this past season...but I think they could do a really good job. They certainly know how to stage a "moment" on screen.

Despite what the article reads, anyone think this might also be an attempt to have a "Plan B" in Disney's back pocket, on the heels of TLJ criticism?
Yes they do. And its the production team they would bring with them as well. Given the amount of SW material being made they would need to top up on staff. Plus they are very familiar with many locations near to those used in SW. I wonder if the Prequel GOT TV series project is now on hold.
Still have yet to see GoT, so I haven't actually seen their work, but this is really great news.

It does worry me that we're getting another trilogy so quickly. My dad's been warning me about Disney over-saturating the market with Star Wars and I'm getting very concerned that's what is happening. I'm all for more Star Wars, but the more money and energy that gets put into increasing quantity, the less energy is spent on creativity.

How many trilogies are we going to have at once now? Rian's trilogy, now this new trilogy, potentially another Skywalker trilogy, and potentially more anthology films sprinkled throughout...
Think about it, theres only going to be one trilogy coming and it will be from these guys. This is just a corporate way to water down the inevitable announcement.

ADDITION....Stuff like this doesnt just pop out of the blue for no reason. TLJ has under performed and created the most division in Star Wars history.
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Think about it, theres only going to be one trilogy coming and it will be from these guys. This is just a corporate way to water down the inevitable announcement.

I don't think the hate for Rian exists outside of fandom. The B.O. for TLJ has given Lucasfilm no reason to doubt him.

I think they are laying off on the connected-to saga spin-offs, and that Rian's trilogy and this one will be it for now. Alternating release years.

Probably smart to move into more original territory after the derision caused by the ST.

That said, if these guys come out and say their trilogy is about Obi-Wan, I wouldn't complain.
As someone who has been quite disappointed with Disney Star Wars, I have to say, this is a dream come true.

I'm incredibly excited to see what they can come up with. Maybe it's in an Old Republic setting, maybe it's exploring the drama, backstabbing, and power plays between imperial officers. There are so many possibilities.
I don't think the hate for Rian exists outside of fandom. The B.O. for TLJ has given Lucasfilm no reason to doubt him.

I think they are laying off on the connected-to saga spin-offs, and that Rian's trilogy and this one will be it for now. Alternating release years.

Probably smart to move into more original territory after the derision caused by the ST.

That said, if these guys come out and say their trilogy is about Obi-Wan, I wouldn't complain.

Yes, the notion Rian isn't moving forward with his trilogy is wrong, he's recently discussed the start of the writing process. I agree they are likely to let the Saga films take some time off, do two separate film trilogies, more SW Story films, and develop a TV show.

Update, was finally able to catch the Disney conference call highlights. Not only are all of these projects moving forward but with MULTIPLE TV projects for their new streaming service.
Here is Iger's actual quote from the conference call. Sounds like they are making "films" but not necessarily a trilogy.


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Think about it, theres only going to be one trilogy coming and it will be from these guys. This is just a corporate way to water down the inevitable announcement.

ADDITION....Stuff like this doesnt just pop out of the blue for no reason. TLJ has under performed and created the most division in Star Wars history.

Incorrect. Disney has a major studio division capable of generating a lot of film product year in and year out. They want more content, not less. They want more filmmakers creating that content for them, not less. And it's not just because they want these films in theaters. When they launch their own streaming service, all of these films, the one's Rian does, the one's these guys do, and more yet to come, all will be content for them to add to their ap. This quote from Iger today is very telling about their content strategy. He knows unlike Netflix which has to take on a lot of risk financing new content that's unproven, Disney has these ace in the hole. So if anything look for more names to be added to their creative rooster working STAR WARS projects, not less.

"When you go to market with Star Wars movies, Disney movies, Pixar movies, Marvel-branded and branded television shows under those umbrellas ... that will give us the ability to probably spend less than if we had gone to market with a direct-to-consumer service without these brands," Iger said.
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These guys sound very excited!

“In the summer of 1977 we traveled to a galaxy far, far away, and we’ve been dreaming of it ever since,” Benioff and Weiss said in a joint statement. “We are honored by the opportunity, a little terrified by the responsibility, and so excited to get started as soon as the final season of ‘Game of Thrones’ is complete.”

Disney did not give a timeline for when these new Benioff and Weiss-penned films will hit theaters. On an earnings call, Disney CEO Bob Iger said that the two men had approached the studio with an idea a while ago. Even thought the duo made their name in television, Iger said they were not interested in doing something on the small screen.
“Their interest was in creating a series of films that are ‘Star Wars’ based,” said Iger. “To my knowledge they didn’t express interest about a series.”
Iger was mum on any plot details except to say that the writers and producers are “…focused on a point of time in the ‘Star Wars’ mythology.”

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