Halliwax's first GRAFLEX build

I read somewhere that they're actually brushed chrome, but in either case the Larbel is less reflective than an actual Graflex. The Larbel finish very much reminds me of some in-home nickel plate tutorials I've seen on YouTube.
The finish on the Larbel is wrong -- it's not as shiny as a real Graflex. It appears to possibly be brushed nickel rather than brushed chrome as on the real thing.

I'm also convinced that the tube used for the body is metric rather than imperial, resulting in the flash being a hair too thin compared to the real deal. I had to wrap tape around the top of my Larbel 3-cell bottom in order to prevent it from rattling around in the real clamp on a 2-cell conversion.

Even with my larbel, the flash is very flexible. And this is all larbel parts I didn't interchange anything

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Ok so maybe I should put this in the stupid question thread...but what is a Graflex? I see it all over the forums but nobody has ever explained what it is. Is it just a replica lightsaber? Whats so great about it?
Ok so maybe I should put this in the stupid question thread...but what is a Graflex? I see it all over the forums but nobody has ever explained what it is. Is it just a replica lightsaber? Whats so great about it?


A really old camera flash, which they used to make Luke's lightsaber in episode 4, 5 and once again in 7 :)

Shameless self promotion, but you can read more here... http://graflexbank.com/


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Ohhhh...thank you for clarifying. How can you tell if one is authentic, or if its just a knock off or just some random piece of polished aluminum?

dude Im checking out the website, this is awesome! Im learning everything there is to know!
halliwax have you finalized your ESB Larbel?
I would love to see some pictures of the final result.
What is your opinion of the Larbel Graflex if you would compare with the most recent replicas (Roman, TGS)?
Is it worth looking for one or rather getting a Roman?
I am asking because what I like with the Larbel is the natural weathering. They are almost 20 years old. It looks closest to a vintage though than a brain new Replicas.
Thanks for your answer

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@halliwax have you finalized your ESB Larbel?
I would love to see some pictures of the final result.
What is your opinion of the Larbel Graflex if you would compare with the most recent replicas (Roman, TGS)?
Is it worth looking for one or rather getting a Roman?
I am asking because what I like with the Larbel is the natural weathering. They are almost 20 years old. It looks closest to a vintage though than a brain new Replicas.
Thanks for your answer

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Romans gen2 is faaaaaaar more accurate. This larbel in person has the wrong finish in it from the get go

Unfortunately I sold it years ago, and all those photos are on a broken computer :(

I would try and grab a Roman’s gen2 before hunting down a larbel

Here is a picture of my finished roman Gen1 vs my brand new Romans gen2

Some acrylic washes, brass ager chemical on all the brass parts, and a toss down my stone drive way
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