
Master Member
Alrighty then...so staying in the Sick Bay, it's high time I tackled that other medical droid...2-1b

Not sure I've seen any full completed builds of this guy. Lots of heads, of course, thanks to the masterful Zorg, but no actually finished droids, which is a surprise, if true

Sadly Zorg has no more heads so I've had to model the head myself and 3d print it. I've got a bit of a texture going on with a resin mix but I'll still be doing all the pin holes. Got the correct Shure mic installed and have started modelling the chest. The big hurdle on this build has to be the transparent torso and neck parts, I reckon. I'm gonna do the bandage thing with neoprene strips and then vac-form them both


Just as an aside...I really like old pics of OT droids that look like they have fallen on hard times...usually left in a corridor or storeroom, unloved and dishevelled.

Rare-LFL-Lucasfilm-Archives-Movie-Prop-Lost-Photos-Star-Wars-Indiana-Jones-Historic-Visit-Origin.jpg 5228368989_5ded2d3bcc.jpg
If anyone has any more like this, I'd love to see 'em. Maybe start a kind of 'Rogues Gallery'
Unreal! Great work...can't wait to see the finished project! seeing your work is extremely humbling.

are those arms 3d printed?
Wassup dudes...so more progress to report. There really is no such thing as an easy SW build...even the relatively straight forward looking ones are fraught with all sorts of challenges. This droid is no exception. So far the pants have proved the biggest headache, and I've still got the vac-forming to do and all the electronics'




The more eagle eyed among you will notice I've gone for the ESB legs and not the rebuild exhibition version.

C20 (2).jpg these...not these 4952709411_f0c99c82bc_b.jpg


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Wow! you have done an incredible job of recreating the medical droid. It's great to see him in the configuration he was in during the shoot.
He never had feet made for him until much latter.

I had planned to do a recreation of 2-1B, but alas, I never got around to it.

I have included a few photos of droids in the archive building for your "rogues gallery"

Did you know they lost his legs during the shoot for "Return of the Jedi" and only made him stand up again for the exhibitions.
When I was at Lucas Film in the early 90s a lot of the droid were incomplete as you can see from some of my photos.

Droids as I found them.jpg8D8 missing arms and legs.jpgFX-7.jpghow many R2's would you like.jpgme and Tick-Tock.jpg
droid costume head.jpgdroid costume.jpgdamaged droid.jpgdroid head.jpg
Crikey Gary, thanks for the comments. He's certainly not the easiest droid to build. And those pix you posted are awesome...never seen any of them before. If you have any more of EV-9D9, I'd love to see 'em...I'm tackling her next
Amazing work! Really impressive.

Do you mind telling me how you like that Form 2? I'm trying to convince my boss to get us one. :D
Very nice, what colour of paint you using? Looks pretty close.

It's Ford Tonic Blue...seems to be a fave amongst prop builders. I think it must be what they used for FX-7 and is also seen in OS Star Trek and even K-9 I reckon
Amazing work! Really impressive.

Do you mind telling me how you like that Form 2? I'm trying to convince my boss to get us one. :D

They're great printers for getting small greeblies/details and stuff that a regular 3d printer can't handle but they do mess up quite often and everything costs a fortune. The resin is £160/$200 per litre and lasts no time at all and the tanks need to be changed every 2 litres of resin use. As far as I know, there is nothing else out there to touch the Form 2 for user friendliness but there are other SLA printers for a lot less
Ahh ok thanks, do we know where 2-1b was built? U.K. or u.s.

Maybe if it was the uk that was the go to colour for sci fi prop shops

It's Ford Tonic Blue...seems to be a fave amongst prop builders. I think it must be what they used for FX-7 and is also seen in OS Star Trek and even K-9 I reckon
Hmmm...not sure where he was built but I'm guessing UK.. There are pix that seem to be from Elstree or wherever it was that the large props were fabricated from the US macquettes

15196067_10154369352148557_6678029651331322848_o.jpg 19399522_1681424311885997_339069934161660362_n.jpg C20.jpg

Don't know the names of these guys but they look British somehow
There are several uk give always in those photos... the telephone, the band saw, the tub of swarfega.... definitely all from the uk.
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