Davy Jones Costume / Props


Sr Member
One of my new projects is a Davy Jones costume. Ive wanted to do this ever since I first saw the concept for him way back in 2004 / 5. My aim is simple... to freak people out :)

Some of my old work:

Always love starting something new! Ive got a few other projects on the go at the moment including a K-2SO and Groot... but anyway, cant wait to get stuck into Davy

I'm planning on making the costume, his pipe, chest, key and heart. Ive made excellent progress on the facial sculpt, hat, blocking in the cloths and crab arm. At this point I'm mostly focusing on size and proportion. I don't want to finish one small part then realise I haven't got the broad strokes right.

Ill have more pics to post very soon, but for now heres something ive been doing the last 2 evenings.



Heart will have a mechanism inside to make it 'thump thump' and I'm going to put a non toxic, non everything :) vap inside the pipe.

As this will be a mostly costume based project with a few props on the side, ive posted it here instead of the prop forum.

More soon
Few updates. Very different parts of the costume.

Early WIP on the face, life cast of myself with an chavant clay sculpt. Coming along nicely and is really fun to work on :)




Chest WIP. I've been learning how to work my CNC machine, slow process but rewarding.


This is maple wood, 3mm then a 1mm pass. I need to reduce the steps as you can still see some lines, that or some 300 sand paper should do the trick. This is my first go at CNCing one of my sculpts and I've still got lots to learn but loving the results! Imagine the entire chest machined like this :)

More soon. My main focus at the moment is clothing scaling, waist coat, coat, crab arm etc. Above is just fun side pieces really.
I've done a few of these over the years, but everytime I can't help but love the cast piece. Just love how it captures every wrinkle and finger print. Looks like I moved a bit on the lower arm but that doesn't matter at all for what I need this for. Tentacle fingers coming up! :)

I remember reading along with the Groot sculpt and wow that was great but I think I'm in LOVE with this build. Love to see more work. Keep it up!

sent from the cockpit of SLAVE I

I have actually still been working on this, I just haven't been posting updates. Sorry. So what have I been up too...

This mainly:


Sorry for the big picture but its a big sculpt :) This is ready for moulding now. Im going to cast it in silicone to allow me to walk etc. Ive done many tests and it should all work great. Once cast I will be adding more grassy plants, barnacles etc to really bring the coral to life. Its amazing how realistic you can make a silicone coral look, you will only know its soft if you touch it.

That video was from a few days before so its not quite as finished and the picture but you get the idea.

The other leg:


My sculpt, devil crab leg... so much fun!


The mould ready for casting


... and just a very quick test casting the tip. Wrong colour, I didnt use my vaccum chamber and i didnt bother tidying up the edges very well but its getting me exciting!

Weve also got this, I didnt really want to show this as it looks ... well awful :) but its all about getting the size, scale and proportion right. I have been working on this most evenings for weeks and months now figuring out, testing, remaking parts, trial and error... the amount of times ive pricked my fingers with damned needles! ARGH. There really is no manual for this *****! As I said it doesn't look like much but a huge amount of effort has gone into getting this looking nearly 'right'. Now all I need to do is just remake each part properly.

It takes some getting on, its quite hot :) but its easy to walk slowly in and pretty comfortable. When I showed various people for the first time they've been pretty creeped out by it. All ill say is theres a lot more going on here than it seems.

What else. Davys Chest:



Nearly finished, should have the sculpt done by the end of the day... nothing going on at work at the moment :)

I am going to make this chest properly. This model is going to now be my blueprints. Im going to buy nice Teak wood and craft the beams, sections, out of wood and construct it how it might have been back in the day by hand. Im going to cold cast the various metal sections aswell. Ive made mock up pieces out of Tulipwood and im very confident i can do a good job. Regardless of costume this will look great around the house.

Think thats it for now, more soon.


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This is amazing, not really sure how it hasn't gotten more attention.

Can't wait to see the finished product! However, the process is so damn interesting, especially seeing someone with so much experience and talent.

I just learned Davy Jones' theme on the organ, so I'm double gushing.
Thank you very much, glad your enjoying it. I'm on holiday for 2 weeks at the moment so there will be a bit of a delay on new videos. Sorry

I love Davys theme, learning it on the organ... that's impressive.
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