Justice League (Post-release)

We know Aquaman is still scheduled, but they really should just scrap this whole universe. Stick to making good, individual superhero movies. Stick with Jenkins and Gadot in Wonder Woman, maybe Momoa as Aquaman if it does well. Give Cavill another shot at a standalone Superman movie based on how he was portrayed in this film. And if Affleck doesnt want to do any more Bat flicks, then let him leave. Start over again with someone younger. Its not like they've never done that before. Or maybe get really crazy in Flashpoint and use that as a way to bring back and tie together as many past Batmans as possible. Bring back Keaton, Clooney, Bale. Whoever will suit up and play. Then start over with a new one.
I feel both justice league war and justice league action, among other justice league movies have covered this movie way more than this two hour film could, idk it's my opinion that this movie just feels a little rushed is all, I have my own opinion on what characters they chose for this movie,but hey who's to judge the wise works of producers who thinks its a good idea to include a teen titan in a justice league movie, that's just my personal opinion to be honest, i'm going to probably wait and buy the movie for it's digital copy then sell it at another store. i've been told that the directors wanted the new version of the justice league, from the comics but oh well.
Haven't seen it yet.
Not worried about spoilers. Any hint at other heroes for the next JL movie? Green Lantern or Martian Manhunter?

Listening to the score. Agreed with one post that it's not Elfman's best. The classic Superman and Batman themes seem forced in at this point.
Haven't seen it yet.
Not worried about spoilers. Any hint at other heroes for the next JL movie? Green Lantern or Martian Manhunter?

Listening to the score. Agreed with one post that it's not Elfman's best. The classic Superman and Batman themes seem forced in at this point.
Martian Manhunter, no. Green lantern...sort of. Green lanterns are seen in a flashback battle scene; one of them is killed and the ring flies off. That's about it though.
Took my 16 yo son and 22 yo daughter. There are not many movies that we can watch together. So...it didn't suck. As reviewed, it was better that BvS.
I would watch WW read the phone book.
I just saw it and I felt it was “meh”. It was better than BVS but not much. I was dozing off during a few fight scenes. Superman’s de-mustached face was really bad with CGI. But it was cool seeing a Green Lantern and seeing Deathstroke. I’m a huge fan of the DC tv shows but not DC movies as it turns out.
As with many films, I needed a few viewings to solidify some feelings on it. I have a multipass thing for Cineworld so have seen this three times now.


Action is solid
SOME gradiose/feels epic type stuff.
The history feels ingrained into the world
Feel good film
Most of the humour lands
Does not get boring - 3 times in fairly quick succession and I was never feeling like I could/wanted to skip ahead

The world building is great and I love the distinct places theyve created now. I love how Heroes Park is central to the trilogy. Themyscira is gorgeous. Gotham's backdrop is sublime.
Some of the visuals are just utterly beautiful - my favourite of which is the League shot overlooking the regrown fauna after the victory. Out friggin standing and I NEED it on my wall.

The setting up of the Hall of Justice being the old Wayne Manor - thematically awesome.

Cyborg reconnecting with his father and gaining an even closer comics representation physically, even with a C on the chest and the smooth plates. Brilliant. Love his whole design and evolution.

Flash getting his foot in the door at CCPD. Great step to start his journey solo. And that he wasnt an almighty powerhouse here is great - young, learning. Leaves lots of space for development and future adventures.

Not so good:

That runtime. It feels like it's over so quickly. And the result is densely packed "themes" that are nowhere near explored enough. And you can tell that theres stuff right there ready to unpack.

The music. The soundtracks are one of the best things about the DCEU - this was not. And I cannot believe that Elfman was allowed to do it like this. It baffles me. The score is on point maybe 2/3 times in the film, when it should be knocking on emotional doors for 90% of it. Really massive missed opportunity. Why the FECK does it open with Star Wars notes? Really can't get over this one. You have an absolutely phenomenal inbuilt theme and musical tone that is tossed aside. Using that music for 30 seconds at the Kryptonian Ship was ****ing criminal. I did not mind the incorporation of '78 Supes and Batman themes at all, I do not see why that could not have been done with the previous scores too. Genuinely gutting for me.

The OK and gets better with each viewing:

Superman. You can absolutely tell that there was more of his story in there. It was butchered and reshot to accelerate and pander to people and it's gutting. At first it really jarred with me, but on further viewings it got much better. I thought at first he was smiling as he stood over Steppenwolf and pummeled him but it was a grimace so that was OK. And I wasn't a fan of freeze breath just appearing out of nowhere. His speed was a slight issue but I can accept that he is simply more powerful than ever before. However - I wish we had spent the time needed to actually transition him from one emotional place to another properly. His "recovery" is comical in its speed. I heard a rumour that Ma Kent arrives at the Farm earlier and reiterates the "listen to my voice, pretend it's an island" to help bring him back with Lois - this would have been 10000% better (and if it also had the MoS/BvS music....holy ****) - buuuut it is what it is. Rushed recovery was disingenuous and another casualty of run time I think.

Cyborg - great structure and arc for him, but it feels like there should have been more and I would have preferred that. I find myself much more compelled by the character and Ray Fisher's awesome portrayal much more than I had imagined. He absolutely stands toe to toe with these other heroes and thats great.

The story is pretty tight and things are actually paid off - the problem is the speed at which you're supposed to pick that stuff up initially. The studio mandated runtime really doesn't do a single thing to improve the film in my opinion. Nothing at all.

I can't be arsed with director wars and such - all I'll say is that I hate that Zack didn't get to finish off his trilogy and his vision properly, and in such **** circumstances. I wish him and family luck in finding peace with what happened. And I really don't envy the position Joss Whedon ended up in, whether it was planned or just evolved that way. It must be a **** thing as a creative to have to bend to so many different viewpoints in that sense. I don't agree with some of the stuff he has done (Elfman being the biggest mistake IMO) but I also respect that he managed to finish off and help create a film that works for the most part with reportedly a lot of studio meddling.
I haven’t watched it yet and, based on the reception, I’ll probably wait for the blu-ray.
Is it true that The Flash didn’t have a single line of dialogue that wasn’t a joke?
I haven’t watched it yet and, based on the reception, I’ll probably wait for the blu-ray.
Is it true that The Flash didn’t have a single line of dialogue that wasn’t a joke?

For the most part, they were jokes. But he does have some real and heartfelt lines here and there.
I haven’t watched it yet and, based on the reception, I’ll probably wait for the blu-ray.
Is it true that The Flash didn’t have a single line of dialogue that wasn’t a joke?

Isn't really a joke when he is having one of the most emotional scenes in the film as he talks with his incarcerated father, no. He is traditionally a more humorous character, and they do play to that though.

Probably best not to listen to hyperbole, chief.
Isn't really a joke when he is having one of the most emotional scenes in the film as he talks with his incarcerated father, no. He is traditionally a more humorous character, and they do play to that though.

Probably best not to listen to hyperbole, chief.
Which is why I asked in the first place.
Fawbish Man you remind me of Flanders from the Simpsons. "The good vs the not so good". Its not bad vs good. "Cant we just call him the boy who doesnt win?" :lol
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Finally got around to watching this. I liked it. Didn't love it, probably won't be seeing it again, but I liked it.

I feel like the last 20 minutes or so of the movie is what the DCCU should have been this entire time.. they've finally hit their stride.
I was a bit disappointed by how lackluster the villain was, and how poorly done the CGI was.. Steppenwolf could have easily been a practical makeup. It also seemed like Ben was almost exhausted being a part of this.. he had a very uncharismatic performance. I think this is the last time we'll see him as Batman which is unfortunate as I thought the solo movie had everything lining up to make a great Batman story. Henry Cavil has finally become Superman to me and I really hope we get a Man of Steel 2.

I wonder where they go from here. Recast Batman, and make a few more solo stories? I think they better back pedal hard on Darkseid. If that's what they're banking on for Justice League 2... if we get that far... I think they're gonna have a bad time.
Well, I'm always happy to eat crow... even if it's more a mouthful of feathers than the whole bird.

Just finished watching it and there was definitely some good in it.

The Good:
I actually liked Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman A LOT more than I expected. I think for as much as Aquaman is made fun of he was actually really cool in this.

CG Cyborg wasn't as bad as I expected either. I was glad at the end scene though.


I didn't think Affleck was as bad as some people described. He's doing the Bruce Wayne that's been Batman for 20 years. The Bruce Wayne that had practically lost his way by BvS, was the reason Superman was killed and the world lost hope, and was given some redemption in this movie. I think if the film does well and the critics don't tear this movie apart like BvS he might stick around. If he doesn't see a future in the role then, yeah, I see him ditching out. Which would be super-lame given that this movie actually gives some traction to the franchise.

Wonder Woman was awesome but I appreciated that, given the success of her solo film, they didn't push her too far in front. There was a pretty good balance of characters in this movie.

Some of the dialogue was pretty cool... mainly the scene where they're discussing whether to bring Superman back.
The end race scene was also awesome. "If I win, you're off the team." DAMN!!

The resurrection scene was cool. I would have rather it have been something closer to the comics. But... whatever. I guess it worked. I think it's funny that the Kryptonian ship is still parked in the middle of the city... but I guess that's more realistic than Star Labs having it picked up or taken apart and put back together in another location.

The Bad:
No mention of Apokolips or Darkseid? I thought that's where the mother boxes come from. I didn't get the impression that this character was the same one from the comics. He was pretty one-dimensional. Not indication of being a real leader. The parademons were hardly being led by him... evident at the end. They were mindless minions that were drawn to fear. What's the point of a franchise if you don't create some connective tissue. Seems like this was written with no long game in mind like the Marvel films.

The Ugly:
I don't know what to put into the ugly in all honest.
Probably the worst part of this movie was... the marketing.
The story didn't have a huge amount of depth. There's a world ending force. It can't be fought with regular people. We need a team of supers... including the dead one. But that's almost every comic movie in some way or another.
The CG wasn't horrible... but toward the end in the area being torn up, it was a little much. In all honesty, it was no more distracting than Guardians of the Galaxy.
How about this for the ugly... the Bat-Bulge!!

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