My Super Son(pic heavy)

Il Princerino

Sr Member
Greeting fellow RPFers and Happy Halloween! This year I will be making the other half of the Super Sons team(see last year's costume for the Robin half )

This is the first time I've had to make a pattern and it came out better than I hoped. This is entirely made by me(except for the "S" ). Not a lot of progress shots because I did all this in the last couple days. Really busy costume schedule this year. Had to make a Roman costume for the local Renfest and still have to make one for my son for the next time we go. so all this had to be kinda last minute.

So this was my reference. rebirth-super-sons.jpg

There are a couple different versions already, but I like this one better, so does Connor so this is the one we went with. I ended up using three different kinds of fabric to try and match the colors, The red is a YAYA HAn fabric that is slick and leathery on one side and I thought it would work perfectly for a jacket, the dark blue is a two way stretch and the light blue is a fourway. All of them are stretchier than I've worked with before.021.jpg022.jpg024.jpg

I started with trying to make a duct tape dummy. Which my boy was not happy with.001.jpg002.jpg

I did do a mock up with muslin,.023.jpg
It turned out though, my pattern worked so I moved on to the actual thing.013.jpg

The Stretchiness of the fabric made it turn out bigger than I expected. I dunno, maybe I pulled it too much while I was sewing, but either way not a big deal. It's all a learning experience and I'll make it better next time. The most important thing is that Connor loves it, he wanted to wear it to bed and I had to talk him out of it.

Here's the finished look. It seems I forgot the pockets, but it gives me an excuse to do a version 2.0 with all the left over fabric I have

That's all for now folks, until next time.

Happy Halloween everybody. Have fun and be safe trick r treating!
That's really cool man! I read the first volume of rebirth Superman not too long ago, and I really liked the new Superboy character. The whole storyline really gives a new dynamic to Supes. Anyways it looks great, hope you guys have a happy Halloween!
That's really cool man! I read the first volume of rebirth Superman not too long ago, and I really liked the new Superboy character. The whole storyline really gives a new dynamic to Supes. Anyways it looks great, hope you guys have a happy Halloween!
Yeah, me too. I love that Superman is a father, and the dynamic of him and his son developing powers.

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Love this! Looks awesome, and I bet that he feels like a real hero wearing it! Excellent work, and excellent parenting :D
Thanks. Yeah he loves it. He was actually getting upset when people were calling him Superman. He kept correcting them saying, "No, I'm SuperBOY" it was funny.
just some pics from Halloween. It was wet but we went anyway. And ,as it turns out, he's gonna get another chance to wear it tonight because the neighborhood got together and decided to do trick r treating again tonight because of the rain last night.

Me as Superman, my wife as Lois Lane and Connor as Superboy. Not sure why, but he felt he had to flex in every

Just a few pics from Comicpalooza, Lots of fun , he even spray dyed his hair for accuracy this time and his first time in the costume contest(less fun)
That Carnage was sick. Cap and Deadpool were also pretty cool(also the only ones that recognized him as Superboy and not Superman). The Batman will be in a fan movie coming out soon, a little horror twist on the Batman mythos. I have more pics on an album if you want to see them.



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I know I'm necroposting on my own thread, but I put some of these pics up on instagram and THE Jorge Jimenez(as in the guy that designed this costume,the original artist for this character) gave me a like. I just thought that was so cool I just had to share
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