Magnum PI reboot

Looks like the daughter version is out and they're giving it to the guy doing the new 5-0 and Macgyver‘magnum-pi’-reboot-in-the-works-at-cbs/ar-AAtMKox?li=BBnb2gh

Sounds more like the A-Team to me. Serving in the navy isn't good enough this time, now he's a former seal :rolleyes. Don't like what they did to macgyver or 5-0 frankly. Isn't the 5-0 guy a former seal, too? Maybe they'll wind up being in the same unit? ugh.

According to Wikipedia, he was a SEAL in the original, too. And worked in Naval Intelligence (so, I guess Team 6).
5-0 is such a crappy show, cookie cutter characters and stories and plots.

In this day and age the characters appear to be so "remote", not relatable.

At least in my memory the tv shows of old age had some warmth to them. I loved Magnum P.I. but we do not have thoae larger than life character actors anymore.

Is it just the looks? I mean compare old and new McGyver, battle worn veteran there and handsome young college student here. What do we really buy?

We IMO do not have character faces anymore in movies and tv. Where are the Jean Gabins, Belmondos, John Waynes, Marty Feldmans et al?
I grew up overseas and did not get to see a lot of PI. But, I did like what I watched. And I think they need to lay off.

They probably wouldn't even bother with the Paradise Found shirts. Just put him in some designer rags so they can get some sponsor money.
According to Wikipedia, he was a SEAL in the original, too. And worked in Naval Intelligence (so, I guess Team 6).

SEAL Team 6 is counter terrorism and weapons/tactics development (I think). To my knowledge, SEAL Team 6 has nothing to with Naval Intelligence aside from maybe the odd intel gathering mission. They're the elite of the SEALs and only the best and most seasoned SEALs make it to SEAL Team 6 and they're usually the ones that are doing a lot the black stuff that we generally don't ever hear out. That is until one of them comes out and writes a book about it or something.
Lets not forget that Magnum was a last performance by ol' Blue Eyes... and what an episode it was! I don't think that they could ever recapture the magic of the original.
Correct but they do team up with and provide Intell and Muscle for the C.I.A.

The lines get blurred very very fast occasionally

SEAL Team 6 is counter terrrism and weapons/tactics development (I think). To my knowledge, SEAL Team 6 has nothing to with Naval Intelligence aside from maybe the odd intel gathering mission. They're the elite of the SEALs and only the best and most seasoned SEALs make it to SEAL Team 6 and they're usually the ones that are doing a lot the black stuff that we generally don't ever hear out. That is until one of them comes out and writes a book about it or something.
Wow. The ABC reboot was pretty recent if memory serves. Seems like just last year I read an article about his daughter being the focus of the show.

I've never watched entire episodes of the new 5-0 or MacGyver. I've tried a few times to get into them, but they're just not for me.

I'll give this a shot too if it gets on the air. Maybe it'll be good. :lol
I said in the previous thread about a reboot that they should reboot Gilligan's Island, but make it dark. Gilligan is a serial killer or something. Maybe the professor did some work for ISIS and then ripped them off so they are looking for him (I'm sure they have a navy, right?)
Magnum PI’s success had nothing to do with the premise. It was all built on Tom Selleck’s charisma.

This! And the charm of the other performers as well.

(Although I could have done without Maggie and Agatha.)

There is no point in rebooting this.
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