Building a replica graflex clamp


Sr Member
Hi all
Has anyone here made their own graflex clamp, Maybe a hardware store version? Ive made some in the past but theyve just been for show not really functional, Working on a obi wan saber.
There are templates on the Internet.

The old replica Graflex site used to have templates to make a complete flash.

I'll see if I can dig it up.....

- - - Updated - - -

Found it!!!

here you go:
I've made them before using the above templates. With hand tools it's really difficult to put the bends in the clamp. I'd recommend biting the bullet and buying a clamp from Roman's Empire. They're very affordable and a darn-near perfect replica.

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Thanks for the advice. Im torn between building one and bying one. Dosent have to function just look like one.

No reason you can't do both. I have one replica, but the rest in my collection are hand made. One bit of advice: You'll be tempted to go with sheet metal of the correct thickness... Don't. I've used aluminum flashing and thin steel, and once they're applied, are virtually indistinguishable from the real deal (in size). Additionally, you can adjust the design to account for differently sized saber bodies. So if it's not absolutely critical that the clamp look EXACTLY correct, hand made is the way to go. You can make one for a few dollars vs. $25 or more for a replica.

Another hint: If you don't have that template, or find it's incorrectly sized for your application, you can always generate your own using graph paper. Just cut the paper to the correct width (2") and wrap it around the tube, spacer, or saber body. Then simply make folds in the paper at the appropriate points. You can then draw lines on the paper at the points where it was folded, and you have your template.
I know this is an old thread but all this Graflex talk and the flash being featured in the new film has made me want to attempt the hardware build. What are the best and most accurate templates used and would it be possible to make thin steel look like brushed aluminum? Also does anyone know how to make the tabs on the clamp? Thanks
I know this is an old thread but all this Graflex talk and the flash being featured in the new film has made me want to attempt the hardware build. What are the best and most accurate templates used and would it be possible to make thin steel look like brushed aluminum? Also does anyone know how to make the tabs on the clamp? Thanks
The templates linked above are the most accurate I've seen:

I'll be using these to scratch build the clamp for my lightsaber, I'm hoping I can bend the metal into shape using wooden blocks and a hammer.

Unfortunately I'm not entirely sure about making steel look like aluminium, but hopefully someone else will be able to help with that. By tabs, do you mean the lever on the side of the clamp, or something else?
Im talking about the little tabs on the inside of the clamp that the top and bottom end of the flash lock into. I've made a Vader clamp before out of 22 gauge steel. Wasn't hard to bend at all. I bent the ends of the clamp first then bent it around a 1.5 inch pipe. The steel had enough spring in it to open and close with a lever. There's a thread for it on the RPF. I think it might be under scratch built mpp clamp. Didn't worry about the finish of the metal cause I painted it. I could always buy Roy's clamp cover for the TFA style
20171017_212735.jpg20171017_212725.jpg20171017_212714.jpgmy hardware clamp..made it about 10 years ago ..graflex lever and bubble from parks sabers.
I made one from very thin stainless steel. Had a shop cut it to width. I had made an earlier one from aluminum.


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I made one from very thin stainless steel. Had a shop cut it to width. I had made an earlier one from aluminum.

I remember that build. Still impressive, especially the booster.

By the way, most of my clamps look pretty good... Until I get to that last bend, that is. The one that holds the card. Then it all goes sideways. I've done it few different ways, but none has proved entirely satisfactory.
Those little bends allways seem to be the most complicated for me. I've made fake clamps that aren't functional but hold a computer card. When I made a clamp for my Vader saber I made those little bends separate then solderd the metal to the clamp. Ill have to experiment making the bends with light aluminum first. Any ideas how to make the small tabs that the top and bottom lock into?
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