Greedo Killer build on Denix


Well-Known Member
Documenting this Greedo Killer build. I got the kit off of dcarty on here and already had the Weaver K1.5-1 scope. Here are some photos with as far as I got today. Still need to fill the pinholes along with drilling and tapping the holes for the scope mount. Everything has been done with hand tools up to this point.

One with the flash hider attached because I couldn't resist.

The mauser as it sits right now.

Some details.

Comparison between a stock Denix and the work done today.

The kit placed around the mauser.
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Small amount of sanding done tonight. I filled the pinholes and markings with JB weld two part epoxy putty. Nothing too exciting done tonight.


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I'm going to be doing this sometime in the future. Have you addressed the fitting of the flash hider? I've got one and it's very loose on the end of a denix, an adapter would have to be made.
I was considering this also. There are aluminum or copper tube spacers that would roughly fit inside of the Flash hider but over the barrel. I'll have to look up the links.

I'm going to be doing this sometime in the future. Have you addressed the fitting of the flash hider? I've got one and it's very loose on the end of a denix, an adapter would have to be made.
excited for this build! Beginning a GK soon too as Field Marshal has been killing it!

Biggest thing on the Denix I can recommend is spending the cash on the DEC grips. The denix doesn't look perfect, but substantially better with those on there!

What do you plan on using for recoloring the Denix? I know you said you were going to plug the pin holes, will you paint or try blueing JB weld? I remember Scottjua mentioning in a video (think it's a Luke ESB that had the hole int he safety) that it did work!
Looking good. I would suggest reshaping the trigger while you're at it.

Thanks! I've actually already removed a substantial amount of material from the trigger while comparing it to photos of the original prop. I'll take another look at it

I'm going to be doing this sometime in the future. Have you addressed the fitting of the flash hider? I've got one and it's very loose on the end of a denix, an adapter would have to be made.

the kit I picked up off dcarty came with a small piece of pvc or pvc like material that is used as a spacer. Works like a charm! I'll take a photo and post it in the AM.

Biggest thing on the Denix I can recommend is spending the cash on the DEC grips. The denix doesn't look perfect, but substantially better with those on there!

What do you plan on using for recoloring the Denix? I know you said you were going to plug the pin holes, will you paint or try blueing JB weld? I remember Scottjua mentioning in a video (think it's a Luke ESB that had the hole int he safety) that it did work!

I have some wood mauser grips I picked up from a surplus store that have the brass center. I can't wait to put them on! As for the coloring, I will gun blue it and then paint it black and weather the paint. I'm not too sure how well the bluing will work where it's been JB epoxy puttied.

Thanks again everyone for the kind words and enthusiasm! I'm glad others love the GK as much as I do.
I'm going to be doing this sometime in the future. Have you addressed the fitting of the flash hider? I've got one and it's very loose on the end of a denix, an adapter would have to be made.

As promised, here are some photos of the adaptor that came with the kit.


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Tapped the holes for the scope and did a test fit. The grips on there are the stock Denix ones because I need to trim and shape the wooden ones I have.

For those observant viewers you might notice that the Denix is actually a different one than in the earlier photos. While I was drilling the holes in the body I messed up and grabbed the wrong drill bit. The holes were too big so I grabbed my back up Denix I was using for comparison and started modding. Not all hope is lost for the other one I have. I'm pretty sure I can use it for a ANH hero build once DEC has more kits available. Hopefully this weekend I'll get a chance to paint the gun.

Quick question for all of you out there. Any suggestions on attaching the grill? I'd like to do it in a non permanent method, but I feel like that may be my only option. Thanks for looking!


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It's really cool to see all of these ANH DL-44 builds. I want to start my own sometime in the future, and these threads will be of great help. Looking good!
fun fact - I always drill some circular holes in the underside of the sight and on the top of the gun underneath the sight. I place two tiny disc magnets and JB weld or glue them in so they're flush. it keeps the sight from flopping around without glueing the whole thing to the gun....I've seen that before
fun fact - I always drill some circular holes in the underside of the sight and on the top of the gun underneath the sight. I place two tiny disc magnets and JB weld or glue them in so they're flush. it keeps the sight from flopping around without glueing the whole thing to the gun....I've seen that before

Great idea! I also hate the feeling/sound of the sight flopping around, though I just put a little piece of sticky tack underneath the sight. This does the job, and is a less-permanent solution.
fun fact - I always drill some circular holes in the underside of the sight and on the top of the gun underneath the sight. I place two tiny disc magnets and JB weld or glue them in so they're flush. it keeps the sight from flopping around without glueing the whole thing to the gun....I've seen that before

This is a great idea. I usually epoxy mine as well but I like this. I was thinking of doing this same thing but to my bull barrel HERO builds for switching back and forth between the weathered and unweathered antenna greeblies.

Not sure how I feel about these new denix mausers. Sure they took off the denix logo but now it's engraved into the mauser along with a bunch of casting pockmarks. Great job on covering it all up [emoji482]

Great build so far by the way.
In typical fashion, I had this sitting at 90% complete for years. I finally decided to clear space in my flat file and finish this thing up to an acceptable display for the moment. There are lots of little details and tweaks it needs, but for now, I can live with it. It certainly beats having it stuck in the back of drawer for 2 years. Enjoy!
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