Vintage Early "New York" Folmer Graflex - ESB Wampa Cave Build

Re: Vintage Early (No Patent) Folmer Graflex - ESB Wampa Cave

That is freak'n beautiful!! eBay finds? What exactly do you have to search for? I love it

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Hey guys, not sure about the exact model but they're on there from time to time.
My board is from something else, this was just a tip I got along the way from a friend.

Good hunting.
Re: Vintage Early (No Patent) Folmer Graflex - ESB Wampa Cave

That is freak'n beautiful!! eBay finds? What exactly do you have to search for? I love it

Yep, eBay. I don't remember what the description was on ebay. They're Otis elevator boards, so you could try that. Once you start searching through vintage circuit boards though you'll see that some people are selling them in lots. (I think people buy them to harvest the scrap gold.) You may have to look through all the provided photos and see if you can spot edge connectors that looks right. I got mine in a lot amongst many other boards that were incorrect.
Re: Vintage Early (No Patent) Folmer Graflex - ESB Wampa Cave

I was up late last night hunting eBay. No luck right now, but something to always look out for. Those boards look awesome

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Re: Vintage Early (No Patent) Folmer Graflex - ESB Wampa Cave

Sent you a PM with picture of the Circuit board and Kobold etc. This how mine looked with the genuine vintage board - Real gold too ;)


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Re: Vintage Early (No Patent) Folmer Graflex - ESB Wampa Cave

My vintage board is cool but it has the thicker traces. NickCline, if you find a stash of thin traced boards, please give me a shout as I'd be interested. Thanks!
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Re: Vintage Early (No Patent) Folmer Graflex - ESB Wampa Cave

Made some amazing progress on acquiring more vintage parts this week.

A genuine Kobold, vintage d-ring, and two very beautiful vintage circuit cards!

Can't wait to see it all come together, and many thanks to everyone in this forum that has helped me with sourcing these pieces!

To be continued... :)

So, a few updates:

I had heck of a time removing the Kobold clip from it's flash this past week. Being the novice I am, I ended up completely stripping the top screw. The bottom one was really stiff as well, but managed to come out fairly unscathed.

After tons of frustration and exhausting all my means at home to extract the top screw, I gave up until I could access the proper tools. Long story short, the top screw had to be drilled out very carefully.

Luckily, no damage was done to either the clip or the Kobold and I was able to sell the "Droid Caller" fairly soon afterward.

I was super anxious to see how the clip lined up in relation to the bottom stamp indexing, and I have to say, it really is about as dead on as you could ask for in comparison to the original Wampa cave prop.

Normally I'm more than okay with some wear and tear on these vintage pieces (it is Star Wars after all), but I decided pretty early on that I would want to replace the original clamp at some point due to some heavy pitting the top left of the control box (pictured in previous post). So, I replaced that with this vintage clamp that I found on eBay.

Lastly, just yesterday, I was able to source some of Saberfreak's t-track from a gentleman I meet through Facebook. Without much hesitation, I purchased it since I recently really started aiming for a 100% vintage build. However, after consulting with a very respected member of this forum, I learned that the profile is pretty off on those vintage tracks in comparison to what we see in the film, so I am now heavily leaning towards Todd's version based on a recommendation from the same member. Originally I planned on using Roy's grips and had purchased them shortly before landing Saberfreak's and Todd's, so I will be able to compare the three when they all get here and will make my final decision from there. After that, it's off to the races since I have all the components! I can not wait to see this thing come together!
Saberfreak's T-tracks only need a glue-channel filed/sanded gently and some black (vintage) paint ... indeed the slope of the center rib is a bit to straight but hey they are vintage as opposed to the other recent replica's :)

Having just purchased my first vintage graflex on eBay TONIGHT I am super excited just reading this thread. I think I need to ruminate a bit about exactly what I want to do in terms of the build.

Nick, I might have to PM you for some advice....
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