What's on your workbench? (no Star Wars, Marvel or DC stuff)

Re: What's on your workbench?

Just got this finished, came out pretty good, didn't go full mods, just the obvious cockpit issue.

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Re: What's on your workbench?

Always something.

Last week I got distracted from the main push on my T-60 Power Armor build when I decided I needed to paint some helmets:

One of them got slightly heavier rust than the rest:

And then there's the hot rod Atom Cats version on the other end of the spectrum:

While that was going on, I also dusted off my Grey Knight Terminator project:
Current plan is to have this guy done by Halloween.

At the same time, I'll be continuing to work on Thor, the Goddess of Thunder:

Here's the separately cast and painted ears for the helmet:

Since the 3D printers had nothing going on for a minute, I put them to work on Thor's arena helmet from Ragnarok:

I've also picked up a bunch of leather tooling stuff for some other parts of that build:

And finally, I've started working on my Episode 7 flametrooper armor again:

There's more, but that's what comes to mind first.
Re: What's on your workbench?

Starting the first mold of the end cap of the Tube Bag.
I am making the mold like a big cup with a plug in the middle.
I will make a round mold wall using 12 inch PVC pipe and core flute. I will add images to my build thread.

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Re: What's on your workbench?

A productive day. Started with making this mold.


Then filling this one.


And these one


Then these two (mold on the right is the one made earlier that morning)


Then demolding, cold forming and baking this part


Demolded and had to heat to allow it to be formed. I will see how long this part takes to harden up without heat.


In the past, I have simply demolded, cold formed and left the parts set up over night. Generally, they have become hard and do not flex after 24 hours.

I was using a slightly different version of this resin and have now gone back to "the devil I know" to get me this far as that other stuff was not going hard even after baking (post cure).
Re: What's on your workbench?

No pics to share, but I have a Galen Marek (Starkiller) lightsaber scratch build in progress, an EVA foam "Guilded" Nordic Carved armor from Skyrim going in the dining room (yes I'm still married), and I have both a model of Savage Opress I am working with to make pep file templates for armor, and am working out the kinks on the smaller bits and mask for a set of Terror Trooper pep files I'm working on for the community.
Re: What's on your workbench?

It’s cluttered with stuff. Just cleared off (last night) a minor overhaul of a ROTJ Han blaster and a metal GK scope paint weathering job. Still have my vintage ANH Graflex, Romans AFBB MK1, both with sound/lights, and commissions for a SH V2 stencil paint and a Romans MK1 with Rudy CC more advanced weathering. Pics can be posted if anybody really wants them.
Re: What's on your workbench?

I have, another bench on my bench! Just finished this rough sanding booth.

Made from a couple of old pallets and a spare metal tool peg board. Got a cheap vacuum plumbed into it and wrapped it in a tomato growhouse cover. It works quite well containing the mess. I had to do something as this summer I couldn't get outside at all, everytime I was off and able to sand it was tipping with rain, can't do it inside because it just covers everything.
Re: What's on your workbench?


K's blaster, a short and longer barrel version
Need to do some cutting filling and sanding on the pistol grip to get it something like

The model is from Chicken956 on TVerse


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Re: What's on your workbench?

Just started my first of a pair of these:

Progress continues on the big Grey Knight Terminator armor:

Every part of that project is big:

The big Fallout armor is stalled out while I'm focused on other things, but here's the rubber internal parts being sculpted:

I've just about perfected my process for casting foam rubber shoretrooper blasters:

And finally, progress continues on my Thor, Goddess of Thunder costume:

There's other stuff going on in the shop, but those are the main efforts right now.
Re: What's on your workbench?

Currently laboring over my Hajime Sorayama Commando model. I am heavily reworking her. Nickel plate works best for his designs so that is what I did to her. Also redesigned the rifle much. Enjoy. 20161229_162219.jpg20170131_082423.jpg20170320_185543.jpg

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