Classic sonic screwdriver from Rubbertoe

Something else all of the replicas get wrong that is subtle but totally changes the look (its like drawing a likeness of a face with the nose in the wrong place). The bullet is NOT centered in the halo. It it closer to the bottom than the top of the halo. The two top support struts are longer than the bottom one. It also changes the angle they go into the bullet (To be honest the left top strut is at a slightly different angle than the right).



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The thinking seemed to be 5 grooves on it but to me it looked like four but more rounded at the top like you pointed out. I think it was tweaked after this but kind of like this.


Nice phez! Haha I wondered about the lower sitting that you say there as well but didn't know if that was something to be intentionally done or not? Might be cool if it got done that way though it could be called a mistake as well?
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Went back and looked again, you are right on the square bands. I thought we were seeing the bottom edge of a vshaped groove with some cut a little deeper but I don't think that is the case. I am not sure if the bullet alignment was a mistake or not (It could have been). But since there is only the one prop to compare against I would think that would have to be considered cannon. There is no way to tell what the prop-maker was trying to do. I do know that once you notice that it is lower the replicas that don't have that look a bit off.
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Thank you, Phez, that's awesome!! You described exactly what I was thinking about for the curvature/shape of the shoulder bullet.

Interesting to note the halo/bullet being slightly off-centre (this is a British Prop). I've obviously been "seeing" that detail for decades but not recognizing it thoroughly. It seems rather obvious once you call it out but it's definitely one of those subtle details that makes a difference!

The screw holding in the magnet might be a 4mm rather than (what looks like) a 3mm on the prototype.


1) The hole size in the magnet is maybe 4mm

2) The screw hole from the screenshot from Carnival of Monsters looks to be bigger than 3mm.

3) The screen cap from the Pirate Planet (lower right with light hitting the screw-head) looks like the screw head is longer than the 3mm and screw head goes all the way to the edges of the magnet.
In the photo in the upper left the screw head looks smaller but I think some of the screw is being obscured by a shadow.

This distance here between the top of the magnet and the top of the screw.
The screw needs to be 4mm to make it look like this with the magnet I have.
(I think those magnets are a fairly consistent height)


View to match pic 4mm screw

This is the screw that is in most of the replicas.


I think it needs to be bigger, 4mm makes it match the height of the screw in the pic


Is there a different magnet where the side bars are not as tall or were
the side bars file down about 2mm. This is my reference magnet size.



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The hole in the Pertwee bullet actually appears larger as far as I can tell than the hole in the magnet itself. As far as the screw size I'm not sure where the disjoint is there between the 3d and physical but in the one I have in hand the screw measures at 5mm and looks right inside the half inch alnico magnet. I agree it's not the smaller though.
Cool! The people that get #1, #4 and #42 are going to make the rest of us owners of this piece of near perfection just the tiniest bit jealous, I'm sure. ;)
Looking at the bottom of the handle I think there might be a ring (or maybe just two breaks in the grove) that has a groove in it rather than the grove being cut in the handle or the end cap.
The groove does not seem to go all the way around the handle.

We can see a break in the grove (in this case to the left of the flat in the end cap) [Sontaran Experiment]
If you watch this scene you can tell it is break in the grove and not a reflection, it rotates with the handle
when it is turned (Also it is not reflecting across the smaller groove/split directly below it).

We can also see the break (this time to the right of the flat in the end-cap) [Genesis of the Daleks I think]
Notice in this shot the way it gets darker right at the edges of the break


This one is really grainy but I think we can see the break in the groove and light reflecting off of the top edge of the ring) [City of Death]

I think the ring looks something like this.

Here is what it looks like on the Sonic

Sontaran Experiment:

Genesis of the Daleks and City of death
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phez Interesting investigation! I'll forgive the mis-spelling of groove, but you have a Tardis avatar, so how did you mis-spell Sontaran? :D
It's times like this you really wish someone could discover a whole load of high quality publicity images, with close-ups, and a note from the props department detailing just what doohickey they built the sonic out of!
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Re: Classic sonic screwdriver from Rubbertoe: inappropriate question

Hi do you happen to know any other parts of this replica that will be changed from the prototype to the production piece
This replica is defiantly the most accurate version I own the licensed replica released a few years back and I believe this is more accurate to the version first used by pertwee when he had what would become the baker sonic but this piece is defiantly the most accurate
hi , do you know where I can purchase a 4th doctors sonic screwdriver replica , I have purchased the rubbertoe version but I would like a cheaper version as well
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