Solo: A Star Wars Story

Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

Well, you obviously liked the movie, and I hated it. So there's no point in debating it.

But SWIQ is about tangible things. I already gave the example of Han shooting Greedo before he could get off a shot. That's tangible. Leia snubbing Chewie in favor of comforting someone she's never met before in her life. That's tangible. Han surrendering his blaster and allowing himself to be roasted on a spit by a bunch of teddy bears. That's tangible. Casting an actor who's too skinny to play Darth Vader. That's tangible. Casting a 5' 7" actor to play Han Solo. That's tangible. Cringe-worthy dialogue in ROTJ, The PT, and the Disney movies. That's tangible.

Good God, I could spend all day and night here listing specific examples of stuff that's in Star Wars movies that should NOT be there.

The Wook

I agree with many of your specific criticisms. But I just think it's unrealistic to expect so much from a franchise that is 40 years old and 8+ movies in. There isn't any filmmaker or any other franchise that lives up to it. Nothing with the high creative & quality aspirations of the SW series. Most franchises struggle to meet expectations as well as SW even while promising far less.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

Good eye, glunark. I started the list by naming things that should've happened and then switched to naming things that should NOT have happened.

At any rate, I fixed it. (Of course, I'm pretty sure you knew what I meant. ;))

The Wook
You had me worries there for a second.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

So in the end, by your logic, you only leave yourself two Star Wars movies to enjoy. That's a very narrow vision of what is and isn't "Star Wars" worthy.

Yup. This is me, too. There's "Star Wars" and "The Empire Strikes Back".
RotJ and TFA don't entirely suck, but they're not even remotely in the same league as the first 2.
SW and ESB are Rembrandts. RotJ and TFA are Warhols.
The prequels are the crayon scribblings of a drooling toddler and don't even deserve the honor of being in the trash can of my movie museum of art.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

Yup. This is me, too. There's "Star Wars" and "The Empire Strikes Back".
RotJ and TFA don't entirely suck, but they're not even remotely in the same league as the first 2.
SW and ESB are Rembrandts. RotJ and TFA are Warhols.
The prequels are the crayon scribblings of a drooling toddler and don't even deserve the honor of being in the trash can of my movie museum of art.

Of course ANH & ESB are the favorites of most GenX'ers, and mine too, but I'm curious if you at least watch the others when they're on TV, or have you seen the Disney ones? And if so will you continue to see the up an coming releases?

It's more curiosity to me as I'm (again personally) over the whole "thing" that was going on 15 years ago with holding the OT against the PT. For now, I just watch and enjoy. If one stinks, I won't lose my crap as I did when most Star Wars fans were way back when.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

I have my favourites but I will watch any of them if they are on TV.

I think if people avoided rogue one because it was technically a prequel they missed a treat, there was a lot in there for OT fans to enjoy.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

So in the end, by your logic, you only leave yourself two Star Wars movies to enjoy. That's a very narrow vision of what is and isn't "Star Wars" worthy.

That's right. There are only two Star Wars movies.

And actually, lol, I didn't like ESB when I walked out of the theater after my first viewing. I hated that nothing good befell our heroes, and hated the cliffhanger ending. But I was young, and over time as my mind matured and my SWIQ grew, I embraced the film as the masterpiece it is--second only to the original Star Wars. Strange as it sounds, even to my ears, I have walked out of the theater after a first viewing of a Star Wars film thrilled only ONCE in my life...on that magical day in early June, 1977.

As for all of the other films, every one of them has serious flaws. Some more than others. So I just enjoy the parts I like, and try to ignore the parts I don't. But it's a challenge, at times, because something great can immediately be followed by something terrible, or vice versa--making it hard to even enjoy the great parts.

So I pretty much only watch the theatrical cuts of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back. On occasion I'll watch the others. Except for TFA. That film was a near-zero on the SWIQ scale. But I love Luke's battle against Vader in ROTJ, I love the forest speeder chase, I love the Duel of Fates, I love the Darth Plagueis opera scene, I love CGI Tarken, I love Vader going berserk at the end of R1, to name a few examples.

So while I'm not limited to Star Wars '77 and ESB '80, they are the *only* true Star Wars films that exist.

The Wook
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

Of course ANH & ESB are the favorites of most GenX'ers, and mine too, but I'm curious if you at least watch the others when they're on TV, or have you seen the Disney ones? And if so will you continue to see the up an coming releases?

Sure, I'll watch RotJ or TFA if they're on TV. They're not completely terrible.
"Rogue One" I've seen twice and have had enough of it already, though. I don't need to see it again.
I will watch anything else on TV besides the prequels. Or I'll turn the darn thing off and go outside or something.

The prequels offended my sensibilities deeply. I can't explain it. I just hate them with the fury of a thousand dying suns.

But, like you, I'm over caring for the most part. I don't even consider myself a Star Wars fan anymore. I only love 2 out of 8 movies :lol.
I hope the Han Solo movie rocks my socks off. But I'm not holding my breath, and I won't care if it sucks.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

I didn't like willow.
I haven't seen it.
"Kurt Russell's best?" So you say it's on par with Escape from New York, The Thing, Big Trouble in Little China, Tombstone, Death Proof, Hateful Eight (one of the best things of about that movie was him) and Guardians of the Galaxy v2? That's a tall boast.
I know you didnt, and like I said, everyone I have ever talked about liked Willow. I personally love it. Saw it in the theater when I was a kid. It was great, original fantasy, with a good story, and likable characters.

Dude. You have never seen Backdraft? How is that possible? Yes! And you forgot Captain Ron in there, I love Kurt Russell in that. I could be bias though, I like Kurt Russell in almost everything he is in. I watched Executive Decision last night and KR rules. Backdraft is probably one of the best times KR evokes a lot of dramatic emotion with his acting. Dont get me wrong, I like all those characters from the respective movies that you mentioned, but his acting in Backdraft is probably the best acting he has done.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

I can't name established directors or writers, because I don't know their SWIQs. I'd have to spend time with them discussing all the Star Wars films to know what their SWIQs are first. But if they knew I was interviewing them for the job, they might just say whatever it is they think I want to hear. So, in an ideal world, I'd hire whoever possessed the highest SWIQ, and then I would co-write and co-direct and co-cast, et cetera et cetera, with me having final say on everything, just in case it turns out their SWIQs don't match mine, and left on their own, they'd put something in the Star Wars movie that does not belong there.

The Wook

I appreciate the sincere response. Personally, I'm ambivalent about all the new SW films. Part of me is convinced that the original movies (SW, Empire and to a lesser extent, ROTJ) were lightning in a bottle and can never be recaptured. And yet I was surprised to find that I really enjoyed The Force Awakens, despite its flaws, enough to look forward to seeing what they do with the next chapter. Rogue One fell a little flat for me, but I think it was a noble effort.

As for Han Solo... I agree with those who think it's a movie nobody was asking for but I'm still hoping for the best. With all the time, sweat and tears that the creative teams pour into these films, I would never openly wish for them to fail. A lot can, and often does, change during the course of a films production. Han Solo the Movie might stink or it might surprise everybody. I'll wait until I see it to make that call.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

That's funny...


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Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

You know who I'd love to direct a star wars flick?

Steven Spielberg.

With George Lucas on as a story consultant. Or heading the design team or something like that.

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Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

How on Earth is it not his genre?

Spielberg will never do it because he's best friends with George, and he knows how unhappy fans were with George's PT movies. Spielberg's concern is that if he made a great Star Wars film, that fans would laud him for doing what George could not. So out of courtesy to his friend, he would never allow that to happen.

It's that simple.

The Wook
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

I think it has more to do with the fallout between Disney-KK-JJ and George. I know Spielberg is still doing Indy without George, but that seems different somehow. No one but Steven has directed an Indy movie. Mostly, I just don't think Steven would be interested in directing a SW movie after JJ has, and so publicly altered VII from what George had in mind for it. Indy will be following a new plot anyway.
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