Solo: A Star Wars Story

Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

I never got the motivation behind signing the guys who brought us "The Lego Movie" to do a Star Wars film. Ron Howard, on the other hand, knows how to make movies with genuine humor, heart and excitement. A great choice, IMO.

And it's nice to see some real optimism in this thread for a change!
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

So it is official now Howard is directing?

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Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

And it's nice to see some real optimism in this thread for a change!

Absolutely. As a die-hard fan of Lucas, I feel that for the first time since his departure, the reigning powers that be, asked themselves "Well who might George have gotten to direct a new Star Wars film in the first place?"

Personally, it's all I've wanted. So yes, you can now color me optimistic.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

Based on social media reactions I am seeing this change has actually increased interest for this film from those who were more ambivalent or somewhat negative towards the project in general.

That is precisely how I feel after hearing the news. I'm not super familiar with Ron Howard (seen a few of his films and all of Arrested Development), so I didn't have an immediate opinion/reaction, but seeing the general consensus of positivity and optimism surrounding this announcement has me feeling the same way. It is still far from my first choice for a stand-alone movie, but if Ol' Lucas wanted this guy to direct a Star Wars film, I'm on board to see where this goes.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

After TPM I recall people saying who else should direct the PT films and Howard always came up. As soon as Disney announced new Star Wars movies I was surprised Howard wasn't mentioned. They went with younger creators raised on Star Wars which has proven to be a mixed bag. Howard should have been the go to-- even over Whedon or Abrams. Lucas and Spielberg were his mentors and his best films capture much the same heart as classic SW.

I hope that after this they let him do a SW movie from scratch of his own.
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Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

After TPM I recall people saying who else should direct the PT films and Howard always came up. As soon as Disney announced new Star Wars movies I was surprised Howard wasn't mentioned. They went with younger creators raised on Star Wars which has proven to be a mixed bag. Howard should have been the go to-- even over Whedon on Abrams. Lucas and Spielberg were his mentors and his best films capture much the same heart as classic SW.

I hope that after this they let him do a SW movie from scratch of his own.

GL offered Ron Howard the Ep. I directing job.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

I hope to god they give Ron the chance to reshot the rather dire looking " racing" scenes in this . "Rush" was a fantastic film, with some spectacular shots that really captured the sense of speed and motion in Formula 1 in the 70's and just how dangerous it was , as well as getting a cracking set of performances from his cast. I loved that film!!! I don't know how much is supposed to be left to finish but I do hope they let him go all "Rogue 1" on it and reshoot alot of it if it isn't working. Good news alround I'd say.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

I hope to god they give Ron the chance to reshot the rather dire looking " racing" scenes in this . "Rush" was a fantastic film, with some spectacular shots that really captured the sense of speed and motion in Formula 1 in the 70's and just how dangerous it was , as well as getting a cracking set of performances from his cast. I loved that film!!! I don't know how much is supposed to be left to finish but I do hope they let him go all "Rogue 1" on it and reshoot alot of it if it isn't working. Good news alround I'd say.

For sure, I doubt LucasFilm will be tight with the purse strings in an effort to make this film deliver.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

Wow. I'm surprised in a very good way. Ron Howard. Cool.

I can't imagine he is going to use any of the footage shot so far. I wouldn't if I was him.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

For sure, I doubt LucasFilm will be tight with the purse strings in an effort to make this film deliver.

My guess is that they're considering the film as a launch pad for other "Star Wars stories" about the new characters that'll appear in the film. So, a spin-off from the spin-off, if you will. For that matter, the "Star Wars stories" line itself is still new and could suffer an untimely death if they put out shoddy product. So, I also expect that they'll spare no expense in making sure it does well.

It's not just about THIS film, it's about the umpteen gajillion ones that will follow.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

The fate of this film will be determined by one man, and one man alone. Alden Ehrenreich.

The Wook
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

The fate of this film will be determined by one man, and one man alone. Alden Ehrenreich.

The Wook

Sounds like Alden is taking it seriously.


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Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

I'm with most in the "now I'm optimistic" camp. Alden still has to deliver the goods, but we're one step closer to another out of the park home run like Rogue 1 in my opinion with the addition of Ron Howard to direct. Honestly I'm surprised he took it on so late in the game. Kinda skeptical for a May '18 release now because more may be re-shot than usual ala. Rogue 1.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

So for wonder woman and Captain Marvel they went with women directors, for black panther they went with a black director, and for a film about young characters they went with a director and a writer in their 60s?

They already had the right people in place, they should have trusted them more, especially when their last three films made over a billion.

I wonder if their names will still be on the credits?
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