Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money

I suppose they could do it animated in CG Clone Wars style to get away with some of the actors no longer being around and to spoof Star Wars again. Honestly the cartoon would have been really good but I think Mel just phoned in his lines and let everyone else write it to be hip and cool. They didn't even bother to release the entire season on dvd, just half of them, and it was only 1 season.
I check this thread every day for new spaceballs has been in the back of my mind lately.

Anyhow, someone just put a boxed toner cartridge on the desk next to me...the color was in pretty big text and popped out to me:


I soooo want this flick to happen :)
I think we all know Melissa Mcarthy or Rebel Wilson is the new Barf... heh.


But Kevin James would realistically fill the role, as he covered for Chris Farley in the "Grown Ups" movies. I could also see them trying for the guy from Mike and Molly...

Patton would make a nice, small, barf....

If Rick Moranis won't do it, there's gotta be a new small nerdy type out there...
I don't like to sound ageist but Mel Brooks is almost 90 years old. Even if another Spaceballs did happen he probably wouldn't be a major player in the project on either side of the camera.
*sigh* It looks like I might owe someone a dollar. Apparently, Mel Brooks was on Adam Carolla's "Take a Knee" podcast recently and he confirmed Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money is in the works, and he wants to start filming in 2016.
Honestly I could see Jews In Space as a movie on it's own. Sadly Mel's movies haven't been as grand as they were back in the 70s and early 80s when the studio system was still in place and there were huge back lots. Now the industry is so constrictive someone like him probably feels claustrophobic.
Maybe it's going to happen!


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Wasn't the first one made only because George Lucas okayed it under the condition that there would be no merchandising? Do you think Disney would follow that line of thinking?
Wasn't the first one made only because George Lucas okayed it under the condition that there would be no merchandising? Do you think Disney would follow that line of thinking?

Yuppers, Lucas won't allow any mechandishing. So that's why Mel slacked the spaceballs logo on everything. He told Lucas thank you for giving him the best joke of the movie. I think Disney would play ball with Mel. Their is enough spoofs out there of Disney movies that one more wouldn't hurt. Plus it's coming from a guy with a great rep and fan base. Just gotta keep it a little clean at the pg13 level. But Disney might not want him to touch any of the new characters and story lines. But that shouldn't be too big of a problem for him and the other writers to address.
Satire and spoofs are protected. Disney did have to cut deals with hot wheels or matchbox to make toy cars. Why would they have to cut deals with anyone to make spaceballs: The Toys?
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