Solo: A Star Wars Story

Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

I'm a huge clone high fan....

But I have to say that I'm tired of improv in movies. Let's go back to scripts and story boards!

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Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

CutThumb point of correction, Trank was working on what was rumored to be the Boba Fett film when he was fired. They were close to making that films announcement when they pulled the plug and moved forward with this Han Solo film instead.
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Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

I don't want to sound like a negative nelly. But I couldn't see these 2 directors pulling off a Star Wars movie...

All I kept thinking of is 21 jump street except with Han and lando...

I pray I am totally wrong...

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Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

One of the speculations in the Variety and Hollywood Reporter articles I do feel is likely true is that Lord and Miler were asked to bring in another Director to help finish the film and do the reshoots similar to Rogue One but unlike Gareth, they wouldn't play ball.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

Hmm... I was quite surprised when I heard the news this morning. I hope they will sort it out somehow.

As for the picks for the directors, I see nothing wrong with picking Joe Johnston or Ron Howard. Picking Joe Johnston would be particularly clever because after all he is already quite an important figure in the history of the saga. He could bring the same charm as we seen in the first film back to the films (although I must say that Rogue One was pretty close).
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

Question, how does the pay work? Did the original directors get money up front to do the film? Or is it you get paid when the movie is done and we approve?

I'm just curious if these directors got any compensation before jumping ship.

That really sucks doing all that work and then getting nothing for it

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Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

Question, how does the pay work? Did the original directors get money up front to do the film? Or is it you get paid when the movie is done and we approve?

I'm just curious if these directors got any compensation before jumping ship.

That really sucks doing all that work and then getting nothing for it

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I assume they would get the percentage of what they were supposed to make. But yes, they were definitely paid for it. After all, they signed a contract (including possible future spin-offs).
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

Fans films to me only have a Star Wars look, not much of a Star Wars feel, because 99% of them are garbage and are just a chance for passionate fans to show off their talents with computer graphics, highly choreographed lightsaber duels (which have no character development behind them) and mediocre celebrity impressions. To me Rogue One was essentially a high budget fan film. I appreciate that they were trying something new and that they attempted to add a layer of moral ambiguity to what is essentially a black and white good vs. evil story. Had they really explored that more I think it would have made for a much more interesting and nuanced movie. The problem is that they failed where nearly every fan film does. The characters were flat and uninteresting and therefore I couldn't get invested in the plot. Characters come first, then plot. `

I don't care HOW the rebels stole the plans to the Death Star. I know they succeed so I'm not going to be as invested in the story as I would be if they had a plot I didn't know the outcome to. Had it been handled like a heist movie with colorful characters, I think it would have worked better. I know that they will pull off the job, but at least I had fun while I was watching it. If they'd gone the more serious route, it should have been that Jyn was the one who had some moral ambiguity and was all about the Rebel cause no matter what the cost. As it stands she is against the cause for some unknown reason and suddenly she is all for it when she finds out her father loves her and named the codes after her?? Her motivation didn't make much sense to me. All I know about Jyn Erso is that her father loves her. I don't know anything about HER. They didn't add any depth to her by having Forest Whitaker (whose talents were wasted on this movie) raise her, because they never actually showed us any of what their life was like together. For some unexplained reason they had a rift. I don't get it.

The Force Awakens had it's flaws but at least I could empathize with the characters and the actors they chose played their parts with with passion and charisma. I sympathized with Rey. She's been abandoned on this desolate world literally scrounging for junk to trade for food and when given the chance to have all of the food she could want by selling BB-8 (a droid who she has no reason to be loyal to) she instead chose to do the right thing and not sell him. It's probably more food than she's ever seen in her life and she has literally no one to count on but herself, waiting for her family who she knows may never return. I think that one decision told me everything I needed to know enough for me to begin caring about her. As far as her Force proficiently goes, there are more than enough clues though out the film that she isn't even aware that she's using it, simply assuming that it's luck that got her through it.

As far as Han Solo goes, I seriously doubt there is anymore depth they can really add to the character. He starts off as a selfish jerk in ANH and dies trying to save his son in TFA. I'd say that while it's a fairly simple arc, it does round out the character pretty well. Is this movie going to show him as a selfless youth and then by the end he becomes a cynic? I don't want to watch a checklist origin movie either. If they just make it an adventure movie, or a western/ heist type movie where the characters are interesting enough but it's entertaining more than anything, I might be on board. I just feel like there is too much expectation riding on this for it to succeed at anything but disappointment.

Just about every film now a days has reshoots, many times being scheduled before cameras even begin rolling to allow for any necessary changes in continuity or adjustments to the script, so I don't think that is much cause for concern. It's standard practice anymore. What is alarming is having the directors fired from a project with only weeks left to shooting. Bringing in a new director at this point is basically a sign that the movie is not working the way the studio wants and it's up to the new director to clean up the mess.

Again I'm not holding out much hope for this one considering no one needs or even wants a Young Han Solo movie. I know Disney thinks it's a win/ win for the fans and the studios, but even with the Kasdan's writing it, NOTHING will ever live up to fan expectations.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

Are studios getting worse at picking compatible directors, are they making changes on the fly or are there just more sites that report this stuff now?

A little of all of the above.

The problem is a systemic one across Hollywood.

Simply put, people are going to the movies less. TV is in a new golden age, and streaming options are undercutting theaters. The studios are reticent to spend money given that most films don't perform well. But, all it takes is one megahit for them to break even for the year. Get more than one, and they can operated in the black for a years ahead.

That fear to spend money on films is offset by the logic that IP or talent with an existing built-in audience somehow guarantees them at least some level of return. Hence most movies being an adaption, remake, sequel, or shared universe tie-in. You can't just blame the studio either because since these are the movies that perform-- these are the movies the masses go to see. So Hollywood doesn't shy away from trying to give people the safe thing they know made money before.

Does it work? No-- obviously. Look at The Mummy. One of the biggest draws in Hollywood plus classic revered IP and it still bombed. But taking a chance on something given still wins out to trying the unknown.

Studio interferences is not new-- Charlie Chaplin, Orson Welles, even Kubrick and Hitchcock complained about it. So with this fear of losing money looming over them, studio execs are more involved than ever in the production of the big franchise films. Keep in mind too, if there's enough failure, they lose their jobs. If a SW movie actually bombed, Kathleen Kennedy could be replaced by Disney.

The environment in Hollywood is very tense these days. If Marvel or Star Wars bomb\ out a couple times in a row, expect the entire industry to change.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

I have a friend who is working on the production and he told me weeks ago that the studio was really unhappy with the look of the film too - i.e. the cinematographer was shooting it too dark to even see what what was going on. He said they had to reshoot loads and loads of it just due to this - very very fraught he said :/

Interesting. Bradford Young likes keeping things in the dark, ie: Arrival (which I thought looked beautiful).

Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

I just saw the person from the production earlier today - he said that they walked off the production themselves - they were not fired. Apparently there are too many people with their own ideas about how to make the film and they didn't have creative control as Directors. Instead of being fired and replaced as Gareth Edwards was and then who had to pretend through the marketing of the film that it was still his film, they decided to just avoid that disgrace and leave of their own accord.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

Unsolicited it sounds like there is a variability in directors experience working with the new LucasFilm.


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Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

I think it probably boils down to this:

Lucasfilm has a "house style" they're going for. You sign on, you're agreeing to do your film in that style. You're given some leeway to add your own touches to it, but it's not "your" film to do with as you please, unless "as you please" basically overlaps perfectly with the "house style." If there's a conflict, "house style" wins. If you don't like that, you can take it on the arches and suffer the consequences.

Lucasfilm is also new to this process. They've released exactly two (2) films in the post-acquisition era. Only one of which it sounds like was a perfect synergy of creative styles. Rogue One had good elements, but needed additional help. TLJ remains an open question, but retained the same director the whole way through. That's hopeful. The Solo film has lost its directors in a noisy exit, but it remains to be seen how/if it can be fixed.

I suspect that Disney, although it's currently sticking with its release date, will NOT put out a film if it doesn't think the film will be exactly what it wants, and will rather delay it to get it right. There are already examples of franchise films that went in the otehr direction and were hurt by it (lookin' at you, Suicide Squad...). Disney/LFL doesn't want that for its Star Wars films. A franchise can weather less-satisfactory entries, but it cannot weather multiple bombs, and even one bomb is really dangerous if it's early on. We're still early on, so I expect Disney/LFL to stick pretty close to this project and try to ensure it puts its best foot forward, especially if this is meant to be the "stealth pilot" for additional underworld films focusing on the new characters to be introduced in this film.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

Actually, TFA had it's issues too-- they just happen at the script stage when they rejected most of Arndt's script and he said he needed a year to rework it. TLJ seems to be the only one that hasn't had a creative shake up. Let's not forget Trank's cancelled movie too, (though that was likely his own fault).
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

Yea I think the studios want it done this way or not done at all. I can't see Lord and Miller making a SW style film, tbh. I don't want a comedy buddy-smuggler film filled with trendy jokes that is supposed to be set a long time ago, so long even before ANH. Their work is great, I just can't truly see a SW film in their style. But, they did say the spinoffs would be different, right? Maybe the change was too drastic and felt too distant for comfort. It does seem the studios have it all set already and try to find a face stamped on their work, somebody who bends to their will and will agree with their terms.

I imagine the directors listen to hidden terms and tell themselves "This deal is getting worse all the time"
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

I hope they push it back to Christmas '18, to give themselves some room to sort this mess out.

I was already of the opinion that they're rushing each of these new Star Wars films.

The Wook
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

Apparently several weeks of shooting have already been completed and there are only a few more left so with 11 months until release I think there's plenty of time to get everything sorted out. They were still doing re-shoots on Rogue One with only 5 months til release and it turned out great so I don't see this as a major long as they put the right guy in the director's chair to finish it.
Re: Star Wars Anthology (Young Han Solo)

They were shooting pickups for TFA in Bad Robot's parking lot a week before the movie was due to be released. This is just how movies are made now. Auteur filmmakers with full freedom is a thing of the past.
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