Rogue One Vader costume

Hi guys,

I finally have permission, albeit indirectly via Bookface, to share on the origins of the fanmade used for Rogue One. Due to NDA, we have been asked to be discrete. Perhaps this will bring a smile - and a bit of balance to The Force.

The mask of my "Quasimodo" helmet sculpt was used for the Rogue One Vader - laserscanned, then the 3D model modified and idealized, yet somehow preserving some of my sculpted characteristics.

I honestly found out by pure accident. I had asked Bookface to provide me with photos taken at the same angles as publicity shots, then asked him to paint one up in Rogue One style - as I puzzled over some similarities. I was stunned when he told me who his customer was, and he sincerely thought he had told me (as if asking for all those pics from him should have tipped him off that I had no idea!)

That is how I accidentally learned of the incredible honor of Quasimodo's part in Star Wars film history.

I have read that Gino on Rebelscum said the R1 helmet was one of his old Vaders. I believe Gino was sincere in his belief as it told to him by the current owner of his old helmet who is a crew member of Rogue One. Bookface contacted that crew member who told him helmet they laserscanned for the film was actually not Gino's old helmet, but was uncertain of the origin of the fanmade. It's entirely possible the intention was to use Gino's old helmet, but there may have been a change of decision made outside of Gino's awareness.

We are still trying to figure out the dome's origin. It may be Quasimodo or something else, but what is clear is a strong degree of evening out of the surfaces and edges, but I do not see PCR tells. But it still looks great compared with the oversanded helmets we've seen in the fandom.

(There is an old thread that compares Gino's old helmet against a VP face paired with a GH master dome, which may have raised the question of whether the dome is Darth Ugly ANH - which had its origins as a GH ANH. The tells of Gino's old helmet and those of Darth Ugly make those domes inconsistent with the R1. )

I, like some of you, wondered if Brian Muir was attached to making the Vader costume(s). I would have liked to see pulls from the original molds used instead. I have not spoken with Brian. Nevertheless, I think that we owe Brian an incredible debt of gratitude and praise for giving us the very stuff of dreams that has lasted 40 years and still continues to inspire - and my work with Quasimodo is my homage to his incredible sculpting of the original.

So hope this helps. I have not much more to share as I never spoke with this crew member personally (using a very generic rank to try to protect his/her rank) but I also want to thank this person for the very kind consideration of my work. I am still boggled by this. Thanks, everyone!

Which means I possess a movie accurate DV facemask really used in a SW Movie, I'm about to faint!!!!

So proud of You and Bookface mate!!!

My sincere compliments!!!


Which means I possess a movie accurate DV facemask really used in a SW Movie, I'm about to faint!!!!

So proud of You and Bookface mate!!!

My sincere compliments!!!


A Quasi V2 isn't exactly movie accurate according to the post because it was scanned and the scan was modified. The Quasi V2 was a part of creating the on screen prop, but not an exact copy of what was on screen.

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A Quasi V2 isn't exactly movie accurate according to the post because it was scanned and the scan was modified. The Quasi V2 was a part of creating the on screen prop, but not an exact copy of what was on screen.

Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk

Yes but still IS the source!:cool

Honestly if they didn't modify it at al would have looked so much better!! IMHO of course!


It would be nice to see a Quasimodo facemask next to some screenshots from the movie to see what they´ve changed for the movie and what not.
And a Quasi-face with a EFX Legend or Plastic helmet version dome would be nice also.:)
Photo from the new Darth Vader #1 alt. cover.
I mentioned before that I think that it was Spencer Wilding who played Vader in Rogue One during the "Prepare a boarding party." scene but now I'm not quite sure. Does anyone know for sure if it was Wilding or Naprous that played Vader in that particular scene aboard Vader's Star Destroyer?

There was an interview a few months back that mentioned that the Hallway and Mustafa scene was part of the reshoot and that is Naprous is in the costume because Wilding wasn't available by then.

Hence it is logical to assume that it was Wilding in the Star Destroyer scene since that wasn't part of the reshoot and his inner robe is under armor which is consistent in early BTS photos.

Basically I surmised that

inner robe over armor = Naprous

Inner robe under armor = Wilding
There was an interview a few months back that mentioned that the Hallway and Mustafa scene was part of the reshoot and that is Naprous is in the costume because Wilding wasn't available by then.

Hence it is logical to assume that it was Wilding in the Star Destroyer scene since that wasn't part of the reshoot and his inner robe is under armor which is consistent in early BTS photos.

Basically I surmised that

inner robe over armor = Naprous

Inner robe under armor = Wilding

I think that Naprous filled out the Vader costume better than Wilding but I still can't tell in the Vader scene aboard The Devastator in Rogue One which is which.
Pablo Hidalgo said the meeting between Vader and Krennic was always on Mustafar.

Pablo Hidalgo can say whatever he wants to be consistent with the final cut but he wasn't in charge of the reshoot or the shoot for that matter.

There was a BTS picture of Vader and Krennic in what looks to either be the Death Star or Star Destroyer.

Also remember the Krennic scene that was in the early trailer of him talking about the power of the Death Star, in basically what seems to be the dialogue of the mustafar scene on a Death Star or Star Destroyer background.

Ben Mendelsohn himself confirmed his scene with Vader was reshot.

But really the most obvious giveaway is

Inner robe under armor = Wilding during principal photography

Inner robe over armor = Naprous during reshoot

It doesn't make sense for Wilding to have both styles of armor since non of the BTS pics or videos actually show that.

But it makes sense that during the reshoot that they took the opportunity to change the robe to over armor after the public backlash.

Obviously they didn't change that in the Star Destroyer scene because it was actually not obvious and that was lit deliberately dark.
Pablo Hidalgo can say whatever he wants to be consistent with the final cut but he wasn't in charge of the reshoot or the shoot for that matter.

There was a BTS picture of Vader and Krennic in what looks to either be the Death Star or Star Destroyer.

Also remember the Krennic scene that was in the early trailer of him talking about the power of the Death Star, in basically what seems to be the dialogue of the mustafar scene on a Death Star or Star Destroyer background.

Ben Mendelsohn himself confirmed his scene with Vader was reshot.

But really the most obvious giveaway is

Inner robe under armor = Wilding during principal photography

Inner robe over armor = Naprous during reshoot

It doesn't make sense for Wilding to have both styles of armor since non of the BTS pics or videos actually show that.

But it makes sense that during the reshoot that they took the opportunity to change the robe to over armor after the public backlash.

Obviously they didn't change that in the Star Destroyer scene because it was actually not obvious and that was lit deliberately dark.

I can tell you for sure that the filmmaker's didn't have Vader's tunic going over the shoulder armor during the Mustafar scene. The behind-the-scenes footage of Vader on the Blu-ray bonus disc bears that out.
I can tell you for sure that the filmmaker's didn't have Vader's tunic going over the shoulder armor during the Mustafar scene. The behind-the-scenes footage of Vader on the Blu-ray bonus disc bears that out.

You can't be serious. It is obvious as day that Vader's robe is over his armor in that scene.

I noticed it during my viewing at the cinema.

And that shot in question of the BTS of Vader from the blu ray actually looks like the Star Destroyer/ Death Star variant of the scene with Krennic. In fact none of the BTS shots from the blu ray looks like it was from the reshoot. Remember that shot of Vader coming down a ramp that was not in the movie? To me that one is a dead giveaway that it is Wilding under the suit. Look at how baggy the pants is. Wilding might have the height but he has skinny legs for his size due to his boxing background. He is a lean machine instead of a body builder.

Here is the screengrab of that scene from the trailers. Nobody noticed it back then but the tunic is over the armor.


I know there are talks of them CGI-ing the robes over the armor but that is ridiculous. It is incredibly hard and not cost effective to simulate realistic fabric movement in CGI even with a motion capture suit. That is usually one of the giveaways that it is CGI due to the unnatural fabric look.

And if they really did CGI the robes, then would have done the same for the SD scenes of Vader which they didn't do the only logical conclusion is that the over robe armor scene has to be from the reshoot.
Of course he's serious, it's plain as day in the BTS footage.
Whether they put the robe back over the armor for takes subsequent to the BTS footage, or CGed it (which is not nearly as difficult as you suggest), is another matter.

The SD scene is irrelevant to how the robe was worn during the Mustafar shoot.
Of course he's serious, it's plain as day in the BTS footage.
Whether they put the robe back over the armor for takes subsequent to the BTS footage, or CGed it (which is not nearly as difficult as you suggest), is another matter.

The SD scene is irrelevant to how the robe was worn during the Mustafar shoot.

You are missing my point. It is clear as day that Vader robe is over armour in the Mustafar scene which the previous poster said isn't.

And if the CGI theory was true they would have done the same to the SD scene which they didn't. Why do one scene and not the other than?

Don't be that like that guy in this Vader costume group I am in. Despite everyone presenting overwhelming evidence that Vader robes is over his armor in the Mustafar scene via screenshots, he still insists that it is under the armor.
In. The. BTS. Footage. It is UNDER. When they shot it, or at least for part of the time during the shooting that we see in the BTS footage, it is UNDER.

YES, in the final film it is over. That is not disputed.

What has not been proven in ANY direction is how it got that way. Was it redone in later takes? Was it a reshoot? Or was it CG?

Again, the SD scene is not in any way relevant to the Mustafar discussion.
Looking at the BTS material and even the early promo photos I got the impression that they shot a lot stuff with Vader as Krennic's antagonist, possibly as a back up if the Tarkin effects didn't work out. I also read that originally Krennic was supposed to have survived the Scariff battle only to be brought before Vader and then suffer his wrath.

I'm just pleased from a continuity stand point that they​ put the robe over the armor.
Here's what I believe. The filmmakers CGI'd Vader's tunic over his shoulder armor during the Mustafar scene after the public backlash. Then they forgot to CGI the tunic over the armor during Vader's Star Destroyer scene but that particular scene is lit so dark it's barely noticeable but I still noticed it as did other people. And finally during Vader's rampage scene and the aftermath of it his tunic is most definitely physically worn over the armor and he looks absolutely marvelous. :D
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