GhostMinion's Fallout 3d Models and Props

Just about done printing the parts to my 12.7mm pistols. Very happy with how the grips came out, another big thanks to Cassius for giving me help with the grips for these.

View attachment 442333

Also, for those interested in printing these files, I've made a thread in the Project Run forum where they are available for sale. If you're interested, check it out.

Hey I can't seem to find these, are they still available to purchase a print?
Hey I can't seem to find these, are they still available to purchase a print?

I'll have 'Lil Devil' resin kits available by Springtime. The master has been completely printed, printed in SLA. I've got a few things currently that I SLA printed that I'm catching up on. Right now I'm finishing up the three masters for the rocket bottles, and am slowly casting up parts for FO4 10mm pistols. The 12.7mm (lil devil version) is following right after. I haven't reprinted the standard 12.7mm in SLA yet, but will be soon after.

I'll post some pics of what I've got later this evening. The 3d model was actually edited to include a detail that at the time I could not figure out how to add (early days of modeling) in the modeling process, and that edit isn't shown in the current renders. I should probably change the older renders out with new ones.
Wonderful!! GhostMinion I will definitely be interested in purchasing a kit of the little devil. I look forward to seeing it whenever you get it done. :)

I'm especially interested in the size of the finished print, how long/wide is it?
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Wonderful!! @GhostMinion I will definitely be interested in purchasing a kit of the little devil. I look forward to seeing it whenever you get it done. :)

I'm especially interested in the size of the finished print, how long/wide is it?

I did not size it the way it is seen in game, which is friggin' huge. I actually sized it to compare with the scale of my Sig P-220 handgun. When I post pics later on, I'll post one with the printed gun next to a real pistol to give a better idea. The size was meant to look like a real handgun.
I did not size it the way it is seen in game, which is friggin' huge. I actually sized it to compare with the scale of my Sig P-220 handgun. When I post pics later on, I'll post one with the printed gun next to a real pistol to give a better idea. The size was meant to look like a real handgun.

This is exactly what I wanted to hear haha perfect mate. The game version of the gun is gigantic so scaling down is necessary for a realistic approach. Very cool man I can't wait!

Sorry for the delay, life's been busy lately (good kind of busy, though). Here's the pics of the Lil Devil 12.7mm pistol. The grip is close to ready, and the other pieces just need some light sanding and polishing. You can clearly see that the rectangular depression towards the back of the gun is present. This was the detail I had only recently added, this detail is not shown in the renders.




This will be on the top of my to-do list in the coming weeks. Right now I'm working to cast up Nuka Cola bottles, which happened to be the next project in line. With only four bottles casted, I've got quite a bit of work ahead of me, but overall things are moving along well. Will post up what I've got so far with the bottles later on today.

Sorry for the delay, life's been busy lately (good kind of busy, though). Here's the pics of the Lil Devil 12.7mm pistol. The grip is close to ready, and the other pieces just need some light sanding and polishing. You can clearly see that the rectangular depression towards the back of the gun is present. This was the detail I had only recently added, this detail is not shown in the renders.




This will be on the top of my to-do list in the coming weeks. Right now I'm working to cast up Nuka Cola bottles, which happened to be the next project in line. With only four bottles casted, I've got quite a bit of work ahead of me, but overall things are moving along well. Will post up what I've got so far with the bottles later on today.

Omg! So awesome dude I love the quality here for the lil devil, it turned out so nicely! The scale is spot on for my tastes too and I can't wait to get my hands on one to paint and weather it. Do you have plans for adding a trigger with motion function? Also what kind of price point is this bad boy looking at right now of you're willing to divulge? In any case, excellent work GhostMinion I'm dying to order one!
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Omg! So awesome dude I love the quality here for the lil devil, it turned out so nicely! The scale is spot on for my tastes too and I can't wait to get my hands on one to paint and weather it. Do you have plans for adding a trigger with motion function? Also what kind of price point is this bad boy looking at right now of you're willing to divulge? In any case, excellent work @GhostMinion I'm dying to order one!

Hey thanks! Can't talk prices outside of the junkyard, and I won't really know how much they'll be until I see how much it costs to make em'. I'll definitely shoot you a PM when the time nears.

Don't have any plans to make anything movable, but I do plan on cold casting the 'metal' parts with aluminum powder, since Lil Devil has a silver finish. :)
Those bottles are awesome looking, I still haven't really found my perfect display bottle for nuka cola but this is looking promising.
Hey thanks! Can't talk prices outside of the junkyard, and I won't really know how much they'll be until I see how much it costs to make em'. I'll definitely shoot you a PM when the time nears.

Don't have any plans to make anything movable, but I do plan on cold casting the 'metal' parts with aluminum powder, since Lil Devil has a silver finish. :)

Sounds good man let me know!
The bottles look great. My only grip is the hard edges. I know the 3D model in the game has hard edges, but that is due to a low polygon count. The concept art, and real glass bottles always have soften edges. It is basically impossible to make a blown glass bottle with hard edges.

Otherwise, they look glossy and smooth. I assume they are solid?
Maybe the Fallout universe has that tech? You're probably right, but they still look correct to the game AND they would go for hard edges to resemble rocket fins if they could do it.
Thanks guys!

Yeah I usually go for game accuracy over concept art. While the bottles certainly would look more realistic modeled after the concept art, trying to do that type of project successfully is a whole different can of worms in itself. The game version bottles are a lot more realistic in being achievable as a project.

I also agree that the fins look better with the sharp angles. There are plenty of items in the game that could have been lower poly (especially compared to Fallout 3 meshes) but aren't, so I don't necessarily agree that they look that way in game because they are low poly, as in lower poly to help the game run smoother. A box of ammo is also a lower poly model, but it's due to the simplicity of it's shape, not because they were trying to reduce poly count to make the game run smoother. In real life, sure, they would be rounded and such. But I honestly doubt that the game developers put that much thought into these type of details that we do, and with that thought it's near impossible to tell how they meant it to look. So naturally, I just go with how it looks visually.

But I do honestly think that if they wanted to round the edges out in the 3d mesh, they could have easily done so and it wouldn't have raised the poly count that much anyways.
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