Jurassic parks Hammond Cane dimentions needed please......


Master Member
Got a bit bored this morning cleaning up my unit so I decided to have a quick play. Ive decided to make my own Hammond cane so had a quick go with a £2 broom handle and was quite happy with the results for 25 minutes work. This one was from memory rather than screenshots so I plan on making the next one more screen accurate.

I have the insect in amber all planned but what I dont have are accurate measurements of the cane. I could take a fair guess but it would be nice to right right.

Do any of you wonderful people have any dimensions for the cane that you would be willing to share?

Thank you in advance for any help you can give.
I made my Hammond's cane in 2014,but i still have measures on my PC.
Make the cane 30 3/4" tall and the amber 1 3/4" tall. That comes to 32 1/2. Exactly the height of the real one.
The highest vertebra on my cane is exactly 30 mm in max diameter. The egg measures exactly 49 mm in diameter at its widest point.
Don't forget to put rubber tip at the bottom of cane,i haven't put it on mine,but maybe you'll like it on yours.

I hope this helps a bit.

Good luck,
That........ is fantastic.... thank you Petar, thats all I needed. I guess I have a busy week in front me.

Thanks again........
Will do.... any pics of yours available for us to drool over?
Unfortunately,my camera died 3 weeks ago,so I'm not able to take pics.
But i looked up on web and i found one that is almost 100% identical to mine,only real difference is,mine doesn't have rubber tip,but egg,mosquito and wood are exactly same.
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