Cthulhu Idol Build

Actually, since the Idol is rather accurately described by Lovecraft, and since we have a sketch of it, every Cthulhu idol is bound to have a familiar look.
See here: http://propnomicon.blogspot.fr/search/label/Cthulhu Idols
If find Nick's take on it has some very unique features, in the extent of the research of inspiration sources, and in the extraordinary alien aspect of the statue. I think that this degree of lovercraftian eldritchness has seldom (if ever) been achieved in any cthulhu idol replica so far.
My Idol got a lot of traffic for a while. Looks like the design is seeping into the lovecratian subconsienceness. Definitely some visual hooks re-used in there. The general wing style and lumpy head shapes give off a similar vibe for sure.

That said, I'm totally fine with it. I had a giant folder of other people's Idols and general Cthulhu Illustrations that I was constantly referring to when trying to figure out where I wanted to take my interpretation. It's important to see what has come before. To see what people got right and even more importantly what you think people got wrong. Hell, I learn just as much from "Bad Art" as the masterful stuff.

I know I've been saying it for a while, but a new run of my Cthulhu Idols is still planned. Other projects just keep getting in the way!



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The brilliance of Nick's rendering of the Legrasse idol is how perfectly it captures, in my view, both Lovecraft's original (admittedly somewhat crude) sketch and the aesthetic of his descriptions of the comic creatures portrayed across his "mythos" generally. To the extent that others aspire to copy it, it is both a) to be expected and b) simply a measure of how accurately Nick hit the mark on his first attempt.
The brilliance of Nick's rendering of the Legrasse idol is how perfectly it captures, in my view, both Lovecraft's original (admittedly somewhat crude) sketch and the aesthetic of his descriptions of the comic creatures portrayed across his "mythos" generally. To the extent that others aspire to copy it, it is both a) to be expected and b) simply a measure of how accurately Nick hit the mark on his first attempt.

Ah shucks.
Cool stuff, I'll definitely be in on the next run. I've only got one other idol, it was similarly crafted to match the story and Lovecraft's sketch. I figure you can't have too many Cthulhu idols around the house (my wife would disagree).

PS - Greetings from a fellow Austinite!
Also keeping a beady eye on this with hopes of a possible second run. Actually this thread motivated me to get off my ass and register after years of lurking.

Second run or not, this is/was a jaw dropping piece of work, just beautiful.
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