Jurassic World

Just watched the trailer again with a friend, and after it ends, he sighs and says "This looks just like Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"

I hope that's what the crew wanted to hear.
All I got from the trailer was, " We're doing everything over again, but this time we genetically engineered the dinosaurs to be even more dangerous (for some reason)."
All I got from the trailer was, " We're doing everything over again, but this time we genetically engineered the dinosaurs to be even more dangerous (for some reason)."

And this time we have an actor [Pratt] that is uber-mainstream and liked by all audiences in a "cool guy" role.
Full of win.
Yeah, Pratt will bring something to an action film William Macy just can't haha.

(And regarding a post above...I LIKE Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. If JW is KOTCS, I'll be happy).
(And regarding a post above...I LIKE Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. If JW is KOTCS, I'll be happy).

Sure, it had a lot of stupid moments, but it more or less worked for me and I enjoyed it. I think the whole nuke town/fridge scene is brilliant. I love Indy in a whole 50s sci-fi/Red scare setting...I think the movie catches an unfair amount of flack. Sure gophers and monkeys are dumb, but overall, I was onboard. A solid B anyway. I like it better than Last Crusade (TOD is my fave). It wasn't half the trainwreck JP3 was.
Sure, it had a lot of stupid moments, but it more or less worked for me and I enjoyed it. I think the whole nuke town/fridge scene is brilliant. I love Indy in a whole 50s sci-fi/Red scare setting...I think the movie catches an unfair amount of flack. Sure gophers and monkeys are dumb, but overall, I was onboard. A solid B anyway. I like it better than Last Crusade (TOD is my fave). It wasn't half the trainwreck JP3 was.


Okay I will go ahead and let you have your opinion...

...even if it's wrong. :lol
I wonder why they felt compelled to have altered dinos?
I mean jeez man, talk about strange and diverse naturally!
There are so many strange animals to choose from already
straight from nature.
Seriously, if you are going to genetically alter dinos we all know what you really do. You make terrier sized sauropods, triceratops, stegosaurs, etc. and sell them to the public.
I would love to have a tiny Tric. Oh, but I would have to put tennis balls on his horns so when he ran into it wouldn't poke me.
i liked the trailer until the part where they said they created a new intelligent dinosaur, and thats where i started to roll my eyes.

Me too! I loved everything and then they say it's intelligent, but will kill anything that moves... and I lost all serious excitement.

Films like this, which are supposed to be grounded in the real world, work best when there's only one "supernatural" element for lack of a better word.

This is so true - they are messing with what we all know about intelligent animals.

Soon as I saw the motorcycle I had to smile, alot of the magnificent flying bird shots you see in wildlife spectacles on TV today are almost all "imprinted" birds flying alongside microgliders or cars driven by their "parents". ..

I can totally buy that the raptors would be trainable - intelligent animals who are treated well and especially if they are brought up in captivity may still be dangerous because of their instincts, but they still are very capable of developing trust relationships with humans and working with them. Now, maybe not spiders or reptiles, but definitely birds.

There's an owl at the Audubon center near here who was taken as a baby from the nest and raised in captivity - when they released him he would hang out at parks and beg for food from people. And when we visit, he gets very chatty and loves to be around people.

A highly intelligent dino brought up this way would likely behave the same way.

Not 'kill anything that moves'.

All I got from the trailer was, " We're doing everything over again, but this time we genetically engineered the dinosaurs to be even more dangerous (for some reason)."

Right.... Same here, only I know the reason. It's easier to write psychotic killing machines than to give a villain/monster a thought out personality with motivation for terrorizing people. And films that require dialogue to make sense don't do so well in the non-English speaking market, which makes up a lot of the $$ anymore.

You know - if they would have written the dino as intelligent, but psychotic, that would have made much more sense and been scarier...
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