All New X-Men Cyclops (space suit) build.


Active Member
While I didn't enjoy it at first I've become a big fan for the All New X-Men costume designs from the Trial of Jean Grey. Cyclops is my favorite X-Men so naturally I had to do his new space uniform. I'm hoping to finish it in time for the NYCC this summer.

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Anyway here is the progress that I have so far.

I found an old pepakura visor file for cyclops and i'm using that instead of the typical glasses version. Its a little more complicated but I hate how the flat ones look in real life. I decided to cut off the round parts and will try to smooth those out myself.

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Instead of regular resin i'm going to use expoximite since i still have a ton left over from a previous build.

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I made a test suit out of some scrap fabric for sizing. The pattern I had was too small but hopefully i can modify it so it fits better.

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So sorry about the delay I've been busy trying to get all the necessary parts together to build out the visor.

I added the EpoxAmite to the visor and i've started adding the Evercoat bodyfiller to the visor. I hope to get it smoothed out by the end of the weekend.

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Up next I need to start working on sculpting the belt buckle and start working on the final bodysuit


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So i spent a couple of hours sanding and filing today. It is looking a lot better but still needs a lot more work. I'm having trouble fixing all the small little cracks and getting it to look super smooth. I might go get some 320 sand paper tomorrow and see if that helps.

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What do you plan on using to secure the visor to your face? I love it so far!

That is going to be the big question / trick of this project! Since the young cyclops doesn't have an ear mount (oddly his visor is more advanced) Im planning to cast the visor in a thin resin so it will be lighter than the one with fiberglass and bodyfiller. Hopefully it will be light enough that i can use spirit gum or some other type of adhesive to glue it to my face.

If that doesn't seem to work I might add a strap and then use liquid latex to hide it on m skin and use makeup to blend it in.
I guess stapling it would be a last resort. Lol can't wait to see what the finished suit looks like! Big fan of Cyke. Eff Wolverine. Cyclops was right!
Build is looking great. Have you test fit it on your face yet? I did this visor a long time ago but it never fit my face and had lots of open area. Can't tell if you've already taken care of that from the pictures, just a fyi since this has no earpods
Build is looking great. Have you test fit it on your face yet? I did this visor a long time ago but it never fit my face and had lots of open area. Can't tell if you've already taken care of that from the pictures, just a fyi since this has no earpods

You are right the size on the original file was huge. This is actually my 2nd visor because the first one that I thought I had sized correctly was still way too big. So the long answer is yes I did do a fit test. But I should probably do it again just to be sure, but it fit when I tested it just before the body filler phase. Also I'm hoping that when I cast it I can use a more flexible resin so that I can bend it slightly in certain places to fit my face better.
A few more update pictures. I've been busy lately but trying to get all the imperfections out. However it feels like every time i fill one spot i create two more!. I'm hoping that the filling primer might fill some of these issues and when i switch to the higher grit sandpapers. Not sure if I should try to wet sand this or not. I've never done it before so I'm kind of nervous trying it since I'm not 100% sure how to do it.

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Z-Flex Array

I'm just going to leave this here for you in case you want to put some lights in your visor. I'm going to use these for my cyclops visor ,l ooked crazy everywhere to get a good solid beam effect with a red acrylic lens or something similar
Z-Flex Array

I'm just going to leave this here for you in case you want to put some lights in your visor. I'm going to use these for my cyclops visor ,l ooked crazy everywhere to get a good solid beam effect with a red acrylic lens or something similar

Wow thanks for the advice. I might have to follow your work to see how to install these lights, as i'm not to good with electronics.
It should be interesting. It's going to take some thinking to get the lights, battery, push button, and placement just right to be able to see and have lights. We'll figure something out
So I finally finished getting the visor smoothed out enough. I probably should have tried wets anding it to get rid of more of the sanding marks . However I need to finish by this sunday so i couldn't afford to put more time into it. Also I hope i can sand the resin piece a bit to get rid of those imperfections.

Anyway I finally put the visor under rebound 25 to create the rubber mold. It took about 4 layers to really build up the mold. I probably could have done it with three but I wanted it to be very sturdy when I rotocast the piece Plus I only had a little bit of rebound left from the trial size and didn't want to save it.

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After the rubber mold was finished i used plaster bandages to create the mother mold. I originally wanted to use Plasti Paste II but it was expensive and the girl at the store said the bandages would be fine for such a small piece. I did a lot of layers to hopefully make it very strong. As you can see in the background I set up the fans to speed up the drying process. I probably wont be able to crack it open until tomorrow since it had so many layers of plaster.

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So lots of updates in the past few days. I started pulling some visors from the mold I made friday. So far its been a lot of trial and error to learn the best way to make these.

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I pulled some out of the Task 13 resin but it was still too heavy even though i was able to get a better wrap around fit.

Instead I've been slush casting about 2 layers of SmoothCast 305 which in total weights about 33 grams. Also I added a bit of so strong resin dye to make them yellow so that painting will go smoother.

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Hopefully it will be light enough to stay on my face with silicone prosthetic adhesive. I did some tests and I think i will glue in some makeup foam pads on the inside to fill in this space as well as give me a greater surface area for the adhesive to stick too.

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I've learned that its still a little too big for my face but luckily I can heat up the resin to bend it so it wraps around my face better.

Also I've started working on the lens for the visor as well. one of my pet peeves with cyclops cosplays is when you can see the persons eyes through the visor. I think that is one of the key parts of a good cyclops cosplay is not seeing his eyes. So I'm always determined to eliminate this when I create my visors. So To create this effect i've been playing with a few different options. There is this mirrored see through film that I found online but I can't get anyone to ship it too me from the U.K.

So instead I found some red tinted PETG plastic and put 2% limo window tint behind it. As a result its nearly impossible to see my eye in both regular light and direct sunlight. I'm going to test it out a few more times but I think this will work. I hope to have a fully finished visor for you guys by either tomorrow or sunday.

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