District 9 Assault rifle finished pg. 5

Re: District 9 Assault rifle WIP

Looks great! Are you going to keep it clean and pristine, or dirty it up?

I'm glad you asked that. I'm going for a more weathered look (similar to Weta replica, not filthy like in the movie), so I spent a few hours yesterday literally stabbing the gun with a screwdriver and thinking "WTF am i doing?". I'm sure it will look good in the end, but now it's really traumatic. I painted damaged areas silver, so it look like metal underneath.
Re: District 9 Assault rifle WIP

I'm glad you asked that. I'm going for a more weathered look (similar to Weta replica, not filthy like in the movie), so I spent a few hours yesterday literally stabbing the gun with a screwdriver and thinking "WTF am i doing?". I'm sure it will look good in the end, but now it's really traumatic. I painted damaged areas silver, so it look like metal underneath.

I could not have done that. but I bet It's going to look great...
Re: District 9 Assault rifle WIP

I should be making stencils for the alien letters and signs but I'm waiting for masking film to be delivered, so I did some weathering. First I made some silver dents in the paintwork like I said. I didn't go too crazy, the gun may need a little more to look more convincing, but they're really hard to do. Then I airbrushed some transparent grey over key areas and drybrushed some silver over the front black portion and the black circles. After I paint all of the letters and stuff I'll clearcoat the gun with acryllic matte clearcoat (which will kill the paint depth and make the gun shinier - I hate that), and go over the whole thing again with some washes and maybe airbrush. Oh yeah, and install all the extra bits.


And here's a close-up of the canisters. I'm very happy how these turned out. The paintjob on these is black matte spraypaint, then airbrushed 1:1 ratio of vallejo azure blue metallic and black mettalic paint, airbrushed black metallic on the tips, black and grey felt pens to darken the lines and recessed areas and matte clearcoat. A slight drawback is that they tend to sparkle in direct sunlight.

Re: District 9 Assault rifle WIP

dude. been following your work for a while now and i must say it is absolutely STUNNING. I want that rifle so bad :'(
Re: District 9 Assault rifle WIP

It only gets more beautiful ... the subtle weathering really makes it look 'real.'

Do you have The Art of District 9? You must, right?
Re: District 9 Assault rifle WIP

A slight drawback is that they tend to sparkle in direct sunlight.

Not sure that's a drawback... Sounds more like a feature. :)

Great job on this, amazing workmanship!

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Re: District 9 Assault rifle WIP

Wow! your painting and weathering are looking fantastic. the canister's...oh shoot the whole thing is just plain professionally awesome!
Re: District 9 Assault rifle WIP

Thanks everyone for your kind comments, they keep me motivated. Not that I need motivation in these fun stages of the build.

It only gets more beautiful ... the subtle weathering really makes it look 'real.'

Do you have The Art of District 9? You must, right?

I don't have the book, sadly. I'm working from pictures of the internet and from this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBVq-pLn-0c. This fine gentleman is a member here afaik. And he has my gratitude.

Anyway, the masking foil I was waiting for arrived, but it was a defective product - had no stick at all. Sigh! Maybe I'll try another way to make those stencils.
Re: District 9 Assault rifle WIP

I asked because the book has nice, clean samples of the alien script in it. You could try using contact paper for masking, or even painter's tape.... I may have a digital file of the alien glyphs at home. I'll look.
Re: District 9 Assault rifle WIP

There is always frisket, an airbrushing tool. Several grades of tack and mil. Translucent as well.

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Re: District 9 Assault rifle WIP

I tried to make a stencil out of regular masking tape just now and it doesn't work. The details are just too small to cut nicely, some lines are pencil thin. So I don't think any foil will work well enough unless I simplify the design. Maybe I could get a thin white waterproof marker and use it to color the design. In that case I would make a stencil for the bigger parts and freehand the rest. I don't know, I'll work something out. And thanks for your suggestions.
Re: District 9 Assault rifle WIP

Knew I saved these for a reason. I hope these help :)


  • D9 Alien Glyphs.pdf
    448.5 KB · Views: 327
Re: District 9 Assault rifle WIP

How about getting some blank decal sheets (seen them on ebay I think)? Run it through a jet printer using the font provided above by Mike J (thanks Mike :)), cut out and treat like any other decal :thumbsup
Re: District 9 Assault rifle WIP

He wants markings in white, which is gonna be a problem. You may be able to take my file and have white cut vinyl done.
Re: District 9 Assault rifle WIP

Wow, thanks for those glyphs Mike, they will be very helpful.

I thought about printing my own decals, but yeah they need to be white. I did a quick search for companies that do vinyl printing and cutting and found out that vinyl is way too expensive.
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