SW The Old Republic Jedi Costume


Active Member
OK, I've decided my 2nd costume build will be the Jedi Guardian from Star Wars: The Old Republic game.

Any help would be appreciated.

1st, where do you think would be a good source for the brown underlayer/bodysuit? I was thinking of using something like a Dickie's jumpsuit and cuting off the collar and sewing the detail lines that are seen along the abs and inner thigh.

I hope to use a combination of foam and cardboard for the armor. The jedi robe is basic with shorter sleeves and more open in the front.
I can't wear to it, but I think most costumers wear a brown bodysuit, I don't think they usually wear a two-piece... But I could be wrong, I can't exactly remember.

I know that there's also at least two people who sell the armor. There may be more by now, but I can think of two. One is Imperial Surplus, I believe, and the other is a person on the Rebel Legion forum.
The armor isn't really a concern as of now. I will be using clone trooper specks in pepakura to build it out of foam. I have experience with building an Iron Patriot suit, so I have LOTS of hours logged there.

I can get a robe online easy for about $40-sih, but will try to make my own from tutorials just to learn some sewing techniques.

I've thought about using:

1) A wet suit and using spray adhesive to layer it with a fabric, using yarn to outline the detailed work as shown in the picture.
2) Thermal top and bottoms and sewing the yarn underneath as mentioned above.
3) Jump suit with extra stitching to show detail. One that is a size smaller than I wear to make it form fitting. The breast pockets will be under the chest plate. The collar can be cut away and a new seam to match the picture. I like this idea most because it has the least about of work, but want to try it on and see if it will do what I want.
4) Or I'll just try a new hobby. Sewing. :-/ And make it from scratch.

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The lightsaber I am building. Not completely sold on the colors.. it will be a trial an error to get where I want it.


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The armor is the same like the sith acolyte, right? So the pepakura from Fierfek might be working. You mentioned that there are already some selling the armor? Sorry if I ask, but might you point me into a direction. To be honest, I am really lousy in cutting and liming of paperstuff. Its quite strange, I can repair a 80+ years old mechanical wristwatch but I just don't get the patience and right feeling for this art. :$
The armor is the same like the sith acolyte, right? So the pepakura from Fierfek might be working. You mentioned that there are already some selling the armor? Sorry if I ask, but might you point me into a direction. To be honest, I am really lousy in cutting and liming of paperstuff. Its quite strange, I can repair a 80+ years old mechanical wristwatch but I just don't get the patience and right feeling for this art. :$

Yea, I literally just finished trading messages with Fierfek and he has both the paper and foam pep files for the Sith and Jedi. Yes, the armor is nearly identical, some pics I've found (including the 501st authorized) has the Sith armor connected to the cod, whereas the Jedi is separated at the midsection. The hand guards have sharpened points on the top on the Sith and the Jedi looks more rounded off. Just little differences tho.

My suggestion is trying the foam or cardboard method... check out... The Heroes Workshop - YouTube. This is where I was first inspired.

So, I will be using that for the armor. I've peeled back the internet to see if there was more information regarding the costume and it looks relatively new. It looks like you'll either build it by trial and error or going the pep direction.

Regarding the sale of armor, it's a complicated thing. I believe you have to be around on the forum and post a lot to qualify. Check out the forum rules. Also, commission work can be expensive and detailed measurements may be needed. I suggest you go look into the "Junkyard" or ask a premium member like fierfek about that.

Good luck tho!
Will follow this too, please show your progress. I think I will give Pepakura a try but will start with some simple form to get a feeling how to create this and to know the material I need and, last but not least I need to read more into this technique.
But such as your works are the kind of motivation that is needed. :thumbsup
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Well, I settled on going to Handcock fabrics to purchase a darker brown gabardine. But, if it doens't work out I'll only be down $17 for 3.5 yards. Meh. I'll just have to make the armor paint a bit darker to blend well. I hope to have some progress done on fitting the gauntlet and chest soon. I'll try to remember to take pics of it with a compression shirt to show how it looks for comparison purposes. Come on payday!

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Ok, so I had to scratch the first attempt at the gauntlet because the open gaped areas on the side prevented a nice round contour as seen below.


So instead I simply filled the gaps and layered with 3mm and 5mm foam from the hobby store. It turned out so well I think I will be using it for the rest of the build here and there.

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