faille's TDKR Catwoman Build


Active Member
Ok! I finally feel like I'm at a point where I can start a build thread for this. The goal is to complete by San Diego Comic-Con, but this is a very ambitious build for me so we shall see!

Keeping this first post as a placeholder for current progress. The details of my WIP will be in the thread. This is mostly so I can keep track of what I am doing, but also because I like really detailed builds, so maybe others will find this interesting too. As each piece completes, I will update this post with details of the final piece. Sorry for the watermarks.. I feel a little absurd adding them, but there have been too many threads lately about people stealing our work from here.

Base: Instamorph plastic pellets, molded to my face
Clay: Plastilina Clay from Michaels. Not recommended - use Chavant or Monster Clay instead!



Rubies Mask, Jeweler's Loupe, random sunglasses with single lens, carbon fiber decal... very much a WIP


Fabric: Vinyl Matte from Spandex House
Texture: Custom screenprint by faille using Plastisol inks with a puff and stretch additive
Pattern: Based on the tutorial at Somewhat Stretchy : Catsuit patterns and more


Materials bought, pics to come


No idea what I will do for these yet

Planning in progress, pics to come

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Suit - Fabric

I am very pleased with how the fabric is coming out. I've spent the last few weekends trying out different things, and I finally found something that approximates the screen-used suit, but will prevent me from having to paint thousands of little lines on a piece of spandex!

The fabric will be screenprinted on the backside, to create a raised appearance on the front. My feeling after all my tests is that the screen-used fabric is embossed, but I know even less about embossing than I did about screen printing when I started this, so screen printing it is :)

The fabric I am using is the "Vinyl Matte" from Spandex House

The ink I am using is a Plastisol Black mixed with a Puff Additive and a Stretch Additive. I'm using a 110 mesh since that's what I have access to. I'm having to do two pulls to get a thick enough deposit, so I still might try a 60 mesh to see if I can avoid having to flash dry with two coats.

Here is my current fabric. This is pretty much my final swatch. I'll only be making adjustments if it ends up looking horrible when done over a larger area. The "pills" are still a little too large when compared to the screen-used suit, but this was the best balance I could find to get the texture to pop just right.

This is what the back looks like.

It was a surprise to me to find that I had to do the OPPOSITE of how I wanted it to appear on the front. For example, this is what it looked like when I was only printing the "pill" parts. Neat effect, but not at ALL what I wanted!

My next challenge regarding the fabric is to scale it up to a larger area. Right now I've been testing on 6x6 swatches, and I will need to be able to print on something more like 18x24. Which brings me to the pattern.

Suit - Pattern

I'll be using Somewhat Stretchy : Catsuit patterns and more as a guide, but modifying heavily.

I am a little concerned about how breathable the whole thing will be, since there is going to be a thick layer of ink over basically the entire surface. From the pictures I've seen of the suit on display, it looks like the arms only go to just below the elbows, so I will likely do the same. It's harder to tell where the legs end, but I will probably go just above the knee and let the boots cover the rest. This should help mitigate some of the issues with breathability. If it's too uncomfortable or dangerous to wear, I can always just get a nice studio photoshoot done!

For the seam details, I am planning to use the backside of the PUL, rather than trying to source a different fabric for that. I'm hoping that something like magpies_trek: Special Shiny Double-Bound Shoulder Seams will work.

The suit will be split at the waist, with the seam hidden behind the belt. This will help a lot for screenprinting the pattern pieces, because I should be able to get away with pieces that are at most 24" long. The suit will probably be the easiest part of this, once I get the fabric printed.

That's about it for now, I mostly wanted to get a thread finally started so I would be more motivated to actually start making progress!
Allways look forward to your builds! I'm kinda new here and have learned a few skills(I think i learn more from the woman builds than mens lol) A sewing machine intimidates me but I know i need to learn so i can finish my vader suit as well as my dark knight suit. Keep the great progress coming!

So, the mask. I'm being stubborn and want to build this myself, but I'm in way over my head.

The plan is to sculpt and then cast the mask. I have a high nose bridge and don't trust that GV Maraio's mask or any of the other wonderful masks would fit me right, so I want a custom fit. Since I don't have a lifecast, what I did was buy this Instamorph plastic from Amazon, and used it to make a kind of mold of my face.

On top of that, I'm using Plastilina Clay. I bought it before I started doing serious research into this, and it's not really what I need. It's way too soft and seems really hard to work with. Mineral oil helped smooth some of it out, but clay just isn't a medium I'm used to working with.

I'm posting this picture so one day we can all look back on it and laugh :)

Since I'm so frustrated with the clay, what I want to do is cast it in something that I can sand, and then use Apoxie Sculpt to sand down, build up, and otherwise finish it. I will have more of an "undo" function that way. Maybe make a final cast out of that, in a flexible urethane. In the future I need to get the proper clay and a lifecast of my noggin done. Proper tools will hopefully help compensate a bit for my general lack of experience in this area!

I do have the Carbon Fiber on hand, and some other bits and bobs for the goggles (Jeweler's Loupes, strap for the back, Rubies Mask, lenses etc). It's all kind of in a pile in my room right now, waiting for it to be stuck together


Since I'm so frustrated with the clay, what I want to do is cast it in something that I can sand, and then use Apoxie Sculpt to sand down, build up, and otherwise finish it. I will have more of an "undo" function that way. Maybe make a final cast out of that, in a flexible urethane. In the future I need to get the proper clay and a lifecast of my noggin done. Proper tools will hopefully help compensate a bit for my general lack of experience in this area!

View attachment 184073

Ah we've all been there with the frustration. God knows I still get mighty frustrated at sculpting but yes you could do a waste mold and cast what you have in a different material for you to sand.

There's no shame to start all over again with the mask seeing how you still have time before SDCC. :thumbsup
I'll be definitely watching this thread, both for fun and research (one day I'd love to do TDKR Catwoman). First of all, I'm really impressed with your fabric! I've seen a few Catwomen now and the fabric is never quite right (and truth be told, is usually just shiny vinyl). So hats off to you! As a question of pure curiousity, would you ever considering doing a run of that fabric for other costumers?

Keep up the awesome work!
Hey Faille, just taking a much needed break from my build and I wanted to thank you for the comments. Your build is off to a good start. its neat to see how organized you are and your attention to detail is awesome. Attention to detail is a gift and a especially when you want things to be a certain way.
Watermarks?? I can't believe someone take your pics and pass them off as there own. As i read through your posts i am learning about new materials. i have never heard of instamorph plastic pellets.(looks cool). i am looking forward to see how this turns out. i wish i could be more help but you are whole different league than i am. good luck i'll check back soon.
I'll be definitely watching this thread, both for fun and research (one day I'd love to do TDKR Catwoman). First of all, I'm really impressed with your fabric! I've seen a few Catwomen now and the fabric is never quite right (and truth be told, is usually just shiny vinyl). So hats off to you! As a question of pure curiousity, would you ever considering doing a run of that fabric for other costumers?

Keep up the awesome work!

Yes, if the fabric actually works on the larger scale, I would be happy to do a run for other folks. I'll post about a junkyard thread and all that when the time comes! I haven't taken the next step on the fabric because I have been busy with other things, but I am going to take measurements this week and figure out what size screen I need to order to do the suit. The fabric wouldn't be available in "yards" but more likely "panels" of say 24x36 inches or something like that, due to the limitation in the equipment available to me.

Hey Faille, just taking a much needed break from my build and I wanted to thank you for the comments. Your build is off to a good start. its neat to see how organized you are and your attention to detail is awesome. Attention to detail is a gift and a especially when you want things to be a certain way.
Watermarks?? I can't believe someone take your pics and pass them off as there own. As i read through your posts i am learning about new materials. i have never heard of instamorph plastic pellets.(looks cool). i am looking forward to see how this turns out. i wish i could be more help but you are whole different league than i am. good luck i'll check back soon.

The watermarks are more of a preventative measure. I don't think I've posted anything anyone would want to steal yet, but lots of people's IM builds and the like have been taken for ebay listing recently. Thanks for the kind words!

Ah we've all been there with the frustration. God knows I still get mighty frustrated at sculpting but yes you could do a waste mold and cast what you have in a different material for you to sand.

There's no shame to start all over again with the mask seeing how you still have time before SDCC. :thumbsup
SDCC feels so far, yet sooo close! I finally ordered molding materials and will be doing that next weekend probably.

I'm trying to do the goggles right now myself and having a HELL of a time! What the hell are those side arms??
I think the side arms were most likely 3D printed. My plan is to do some sort of acrylic or sintra based arm, and then use apoxie to sculpt the frame. Heck, you could probably whittle them out of a block of wood if you wanted :)
Haha, thanks Faille. I actually ended up buying a Catwoman mask and kitbashing those side arms. It might be cheating, but it worked. I'm putting the finishing touches on it now. I'll post pics when I'm done!

And for anyone else pining for SDCC, check out the novel SEX, DRUGS & SUPERHEROES by David Reddish. It's all about Con and the Nerd/Geek subculture and REALLY funny.
Here, check it out! They do pivot and rotate over the head, though I'm trying to find a better way to hinge closer over the ear. I also might heat the sidearms to give them some curvature; make them a bit more comfortable.CIMG1666.JPG
How about you do a really basic cheap version of the goggles...or at least to have a better more accurate physical model to go by. You could cut out the lenses for your goggles out of the that red clear film this kind:
Save On Discount Grafix Clear-Lay Clear PVC Film Sheets, 12 per Pack, Red Color & More Polyester Film / Mylar / Acetate at Utrecht
The hardest part would be the frame and getting it exactly right...or at least more accurate than the few versions of the goggles I see being sold over ebay. But you have a wonderful eye for detail so...that's great! Maybe the frame can be sculpted?
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