Galaxy Quest props and a few questions


Active Member
We recently found these at a local flea market.


They were said tobe first generations casting, but I doubt it. Is there a way to verify that?

We also bought the Pegasus Hobbies kits, which should come soon.

But because their Vox kit is quite inaccurate, we'd like to scratch build one.

Here are some question regarding the screen used one:


This is the reed switch, correct? (red circle)
and this the magnet for the reed switch (green circle)

The blue circle seems to be a ball/bullet catch. But where does it snap into? Were would I get those?

Purple line: is the a gap between the upper body and the bottom plate?

Thanks for looking and for your help!
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The first thing that needed to e replicated was the clip on the back.
As they were just bent plastic, I cut a strip of styrene, cut it to shape and bent it with my trusty hair dryer. Took less than 5 mins!

yours look great! Thanks!

Guess I'll have to wait for the Pegasus version to arrive to make a comparison.

in the meantime, I'll finish the stunt vox.
I just realized the "fin" of the nebulizer is missing, but the slot is still present.

I'll build a static stunt/background version which didn't have the fin, but I'll add it anyway (I like the look)
It's kinda funny, and I'll get crucified for this, but the ships and hardware they used in Galaxy quest I found more visually appealing than Star Trek.

Especially the bad guy auto-rifle or whatever it was.

I just realized I made it a little too big. Starting on another one.

The found the foil by pure accident on ebay. It's called "carbon GALAXY" (d'uh!)
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