ZZ Top Costumes - New Pics 10-31-2010

Re: ZZ Top Costumes - Pic Update 9/30/2010

Wow, great build!


Ran into a couple of snags....first, the hardware that came with the guitars is chromed. We've tried several times to paint the hardware gold, but it looks like someone just spray painted the pieces gold and flakes off when assembling. So, we ended up buying new machine heads and tune-o-matic bridge assembly already done in gold. They look much nicer than what we've done!

Also, I found a better pic of Billy Gibbons' guitar and our fur just isn't quite right:



So, I found a better piece of fur...a little thicker and coarser with better body to it. The original piece I bought is just too soft...it's lamb's fur. I found an article about the guy who built the originals and they are sheep fur (from Billy's sheep!), so we are switching to that instead.

Here's a nice slab I found on ebay:
Re: ZZ Top Costumes - Pic Update 9/30/2010

Small update: the necks are done! Got the vinyl logo stickers from the printer on Monday and got them all put on tonight....was a real mother getting them over the frets nice and tightly! But, they look pro! The vinyl is so paper thin, it looks like they were just painted on.

The new fur arrived yesterday and the gold hardware will be here tomorrow, so the guitars will be totally done before the weekend is over. Can't wait!

Here's a few shots of the finished necks:



Re: ZZ Top Costumes - Pic Update 10/07/2010

Those are turning out great.

Looking forward to seeing the completed pics.
Re: ZZ Top Costumes - Pic Update 10/07/2010

The guitars are looking great!!! Can't wait to see the finished look.....loved the test vid!! Great work on the spinning
Re: ZZ Top Costumes - Pic Update 10/07/2010

Amazing job so far! I just saw ZZ Top in concert a few weeks ago and they put on an awesome show. I hadn't seen them since 1984.

I love the attention to detail you're putting into these. I think 99.99% of the people wont be looking that closely at them to notice the gold details or type of fur, but there will be no doubt in anybody's mind how accurate they are. I can't wait to see the finished products!
Re: ZZ Top Costumes - Pic Update 10/07/2010

Thanks everyone! I'm real happy with how these are turning out so far. I agree that most people won't notice a lot of the small details, but we're still trying to make them as accurate as possible down to the nth degree. :)
Re: ZZ Top Costumes - First Guitar Completed! New pix and Video Page 2

very nice, your build on the guitars is freaking awesome! nice vid, too.
Re: ZZ Top Costumes - First Guitar Completed! New pix and Video Page 2

Thanks guys, appreciate the comments on our work!

Funny side note: I sent the video link to a good buddy of mine who happens to be ZZ Top's production manager....he said our guitar looks better than the original! :thumbsup
Re: ZZ Top Costumes - First Guitar Completed! New pix and Video Page 2

If you ever intend to sell the six-string, give us a chance on the JY before you 'Bay it!
Re: ZZ Top Costumes - First Guitar Completed! New pix and Video Page 2

New update: the guitar and bass are completed! They turned out even sweeter than I'd hoped for:


Here's just an indvidual shot of the guitar and the bass (which originally started out as a guitar):



Last shot is "Dusty" doing a dry run with the beard, glasses and hat. The hats and jackets will be weathered and the beards have to be trimmed and shaped a bit, but this gives a good idea of how they will look. We have mustaches to go with them as well, but "Dusty" already had a small one going, so that gave us a ballpark idea how it will look all put together:


We'll be doing a full-on "dress rehearsal" early next week and we've been practicing the standard ZZ Top moves. We also have a red leather box with a ZZ Top keychain and key inside (I'll post a pick of that later. I still have to apply the ZZ gold logo to the top of the lid) and we got our hands on some ZZ guitar picks and backstage passes from their current tour to hand out to the ladies. LOL
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Re: ZZ Top Costumes - New Pics 10-21-2010

You guys are going to Rock!!!

Everything looks Great!!!!
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