Zero (Megaman/Marvel vs Capcom)


Sr Member
Hi Guys! We're back! lol. Before anything else, we would like to tell everyone that we have a new fan page because facebook removed our old one for reasons we do not know of. :( That was another reason why we were out of circulation lately aside from all those other :facepalm circumstances this year has been giving us. I've posted a vlog about it in our youtube channel.

ANYWAYS, we're still doing what we're doing & again we would like to share a project we did for one of the famous cosplayers here.

We made a Zero costume for her from the Megaman / Marvel vs Capcom series.






^ those are w.i.p pics we had while making the costume.
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Re: Don Robert's Zero (Megaman/Marvel vs Capcom)

cool progress. can't wait to see the full suit. you should make X's Falcon armor!
Re: Don Robert's Zero (Megaman/Marvel vs Capcom)

I was hoping to create Zero for my little bro too.. any tips on how I can do it?
Great Job on your Zero. :D
Re: Don Robert's Zero (Megaman/Marvel vs Capcom)

We gave her the costume already so she can use it but we'll still improve it because it was just rushed. It had been raining & painting was hard. It looks okay but we are not yet satisfied with it.




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