Zaphod BeebleBrox Thinking Cap Costume


New Member
Hi everyone.

I'm trying not to panic but i've been sick with fever for some time and then my costume just hit me. I've been playing movies and I want to re-create the last half of the Movie's Zaphod BeebleBrox, w/ lemon squeezed thinking cap.

But i have zero experience in arts/crafts/modeling.

I've asked other their input and the two top ideas, albeit ridiculous and cheap are
-Paper Mache

Now, this helmet isn't fancy, doesn't have great detail but to not give it my best would be a failure. Do I have time to make this helmet with little experience within 20 days? Do i have thrift stores within my location that would have some of these items that I could change/alter?

I don't know and I need help.
Help save the Galaxy!

Love and Kisses,

1970's motorcycle helmet Painted white with the visor removed and an orange juicer glued to the top.