ZachAbati's Star-Lord build


New Member
So as soon as I saw the movie, I knew I had to build myself a star-lord costume.

The easiest bit was buying the jacket, which is got off of leather niche for about 150 with shipping, which i will post pictures later as we've all become quite aware of what the jacket looks like.

The pants were quite easy too, as I just ordered them off some random motorcycle apparel website.

Now the fun part was building the mask. I used helegaks design and I think the mask came out pretty well.

Lights Off:

For the lights I just used some orange LED strings that I found randomly while at michaels one day. I think they came out looking pretty good. I have the wiring hot glued in and then the batter pack is in the back of the head and painted to make the mask look a little bit more screen accurate.
Lights On:

The hardest part of the whole costume had to have been the boots and the belt. Everything was hand sewn and cut out, which lead to me being stabbed many times and wishing I had a thimble.

The buckle itself is made from sculpey and i got the bright idea that I could use a press buckle to actually make the thing function like a real belt.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm a poor broke college student, and spending 500 on a sony walkman wasn't going to happen. I got a cardboard hollow book from jo anns and turned it into the walkman you see before you. Hand painted it, and made it so it could hold my cell phone, which displays the face of the tape, and when I get my headphones in will work just as well as a real walkman

Here is everything together, and I am quite proud of it all. Right now I am working on the earpiece, and If anyone is interested Ill post the rest of the costume(Guns, gloves, me dressed up in the full thing, and the earpiece when finished.)

Besides the jacket and the pants, the costume probably cost me about a little less than $100 to put together, but in total probably a little over $300. Which I am not upset with, as being able to wear the full costume through out the winter months is well worth the price.

Tell me what you think guys, I'd love your opinions, I feel like this is a great way to kick off my first thread on the site after being a long time lurker.
I'll most likely be taking pictures in the next couple days. I have job training the next couple days, but by Thursday or Friday night I should have some pics in the full attire with my props. I really like the way it turned out. The only problem i have with my costume is the pants. They're pretty baggy, but have the look since theyre motorcycle pants, but im just realizing i could have gotten a nice slimmer look if I had bought a pair of black jeans and just fixed those up to look like the pants from the movie. Would have saved me about 50 dollars too.
I love the idea of using one of those hollow books! I might have to have a look for one for my build (though I'm not sure I've ever seen them that small locally - usually my craft store carries the BIG ones and that's it).
I love the idea of using one of those hollow books! I might have to have a look for one for my build (though I'm not sure I've ever seen them that small locally - usually my craft store carries the BIG ones and that's it).

The one i got was fairly big, probably around 7 by 5. I cut it down to fit my phone, and used some scrap book plastic pages for the window, filled it with foam mat scraps to make sure my phone fits in there pretty snug. I would say get the big ones, you can cut them down and make multiples,
This thread is more than 9 years old.

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