Your number one WORST film ever.

according to the message boards on AICN, everyone there hates every movie ever made. they even hate a movie before it is made. they just hate the idea of most movies. ironic that it is a site for movie fans.
Of the recent crop of movies, the worst I've seen.

The Expendables (and they're making a freakin sequel!!!!!!, groan:rolleyes)
That was the first and only movie I've ever walked out of in my entire life.
You've just reminded me of two more films for the "worst film ever" list, the only two I've ever walked out on:

Gung Ho (1986) - Directed by Ron Howard, starring Michael Keaton, Gedde Watanabe, George Wendt, and Mimi Rogers. Basic plot: Japanese car company buys an American plant, hilarity ensues as the two cultures clash...except it didn't. About 45 minutes into it my friend turned and asked:

"Have you laughed yet?"
"Nope. You?"
"Okay then, let's get the **** outta here."

Mad Max (1979) - Yes, the Mad Max starring Mel Gibson. Truly one of the worst films I've ever seen. My wife and I (she was my fiancée at the time) endured about 30 minutes of this steaming pile before we left. Several years later I forced myself to sit through it when it was on cable; didn't change my opinion one bit.
I was prepped to say The Room but looks like it's taken.

Actual WORST movie I have ever ever seen has gotta be Megashark vs. Giant Octopus. It was so bad that it wasn't even funny. And I bought it expecting it to suck. It was painful to watch...

...oh what they heck, I'll use this screenshot anyway

this is actually quite hard

Starship Troopers 2 and 3 a pile of Monkey turd both of them, the first one wasnt all that to be honest

Valhaller Rising, i actually turned this off with only 10 minutes left

Daredevil, total crud

im sure there was more but they were so bad ive forgotten them
this is actually quite hard

Starship Troopers 2 and 3 a pile of Monkey turd both of them, the first one wasnt all that to be honest

Valhaller Rising, i actually turned this off with only 10 minutes left

Daredevil, total crud

im sure there was more but they were so bad ive forgotten them

Agree with the Starship Troopers 2 and 3. I tried watching 3:sick:sick on TV once, I lasted 10 minutes.
It'd have to be a tie between "Mad Max" and "Dune". I found them both to be utterly unwatchable.
Finally!!! Someone else who didn't like Mad Max! (y)thumbsup

As for Dune, I've never seen it. About a year after the movie hit the theaters a co-worker mentioned it at work one day. His main comment was, "I've read all of the novels, and I still couldn't follow the plot." :lol
Love MadMax 2 and hate MM1, I thought I was alone aswell

And I turned Dune off after the intro, been meaning to one day give it a second chance but just havent got there :(

Movies I really hated:
Ghosts of Mars
Babel (The kid never got his nuts cut off)
Crash (I think it actually made me have racist thoughts so it failed there)
House of a 1000 corpses
Hey Dune was an excelent Film I own it, sure the special effects are really out dated but it really is a good film.
Any of the "In Search Of..........." series by Golun Globus. Circa 1970s so some of ye younguns may have no idea what I am talking about!

Noah's Ark
Any of the "In Search Of..........." series by Golun Globus. Circa 1970s so some of ye younguns may have no idea what I am talking about!

Noah's Ark
etc..... was hosted by Leonard Nimoy:)!

Actually, I quite liked it. Now the A-Team:sick.
Awfully bad movies can be fun with the right group, stuff like "The Room" or "Troll 2". Personally I've never been more disappointed with any movie than I was with Spider-Man 3. I think it's an even worse film than Batman & Robin, at least Clooney was likable.
16 pages deep and no one has mentioned
Mac & Me
The Video Dead
The Garbage Pail Kids Movie
The New Adventures of Pippy Long Stockings
My Pet Monster
So, I watched the last 10 minutes of Street Fighter: Legend of Chun Lee(I don't even care how to spell it), horrible, it doesn't even deserve for me to watch it from start to finish to know it is wrong beyond belief....

And I thought that Dragonball was the worst movie...
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