Your number one WORST film ever.

anything made by, written by or featuring Kevin Smith

Ok now that is just going too far! lol
So his entire body of work has claim to and occupies the entire bottom rankings of all entertainment?

Mallrats is GOLD! Chasing Amy too!
This is a guy who created his own little world of perverse characters. No remakes. All original. He makes movies that are unlike everything else that is churned out.
Count me as a ticket sold to everything he makes.
Same for M Night Shy's stuff too!
Tie between Back to the Future and The Empire Strikes Back

Back to the future is just a two hour movie about incest. Disgusting.

In Empire, Half the movie just a ugly green puppet talking in a swamp. Boring and he looks fake.
"Bad Taste" by Peter Jackson... one of his very early films. The kiwi accents combined with the dopy'ness of the characters made me feel like I was that much closer to going crazy. I've seen some stinkers in my time, but that ones the most memorable for me!
I'd take every Uwe Boll movie ever made over those god awfull Jason Friedberg + Aaron Seltzer "comedies"...Date Movie, Epic Movie, Meet the Spartans, Disaster Movie, and Vampires Suck!

Seriously, if you think Twilight films are the worst films yet made...I dare you, no double-dog-dare you to sit through the Twilight "spoof" Vampires Suck!
Mallrats is GOLD!
IMO Mallrats is Smith's worst film. Citing numerous complaints from fans voicing their displeasure, Smith said the reason this film is different from his other films is because Grammercy Pictures insisted on having one of their "professionals" edit the film; a "mistake" he would never make again. I like Smith's films, but will admit they're a bit of an acquired taste and not for everyone.

Same for M Night Shy's stuff too!
I liked The Sixth Sense, but after Unbreakable (which I call "Unwatchable") I swore I'd never see another M. Night Shyamalan film.

Apparently, I'm not alone. A couple of months ago they ran the trailer for Devil in whatever theater I was in. When M. Night Shyamalan's name appeared on the screen, I kid you not, everyone in the theater groaned.
im sure its already been mentioned but the incredible hulk made by that guy who made crouching tiger hidden dragon.

and dear devil
and ghost rider
and elektra

i cant believe flipin elektra got a movie like 5 years before iron man.
and i like the blade trilogy but its just the pecking order...i apologize to blade fans but hes not a very strong member of the marvel universe.

BAH!! im getting pissed thinking about ghostrider it just shows they didnt give a damn about it by casting nick frickin cage
im off my soapbox now haha
Worst thing i watched On cinema: SW TPM:sleep i know i know,fact is i don't go to a movie theater very often:angry transformers being the close second
On TV program: Boa vs phyton,comodo vs cobra etc...but at least it gives me good laughs:lol
Many years ago (1990), there was a sci-fi horror film called "Hardware".


It was so bad, my wife (who was my girlfriend at the time) almost left me for taking her to see it... You can't get an worse than that..

According to IMDB, it grossed only $5 million in the USA total.

It was seriously bad...
Worst movie I ever paid money to see was "Wicker Man" the Nicholas Cage one.

Set up on a blind date AND had to sit through that.... There was no second date.

Worst movie I ever watched on TV though has to be Highlander The Source
the exorcist.
I paid 5 bucks to see this really bad thing,about 8 or 10 years ago.
My mother told me it was good,but I think the only good thing was the mike oldfied music.
This thread is always good for a laugh. Some of you guys are either really sheltered or just live some awesomely amazing lives that keep your movie viewing to an absolute minimum half dozen hours a year. Some of the things in this thread are so far from the bottom, it inspires humor.
Absolutely, The second one being the worst.

Oh my... Dude, you have to be smoking something, or you are a troll.

How can you hate three of the best Sci-fi movies ever.

Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars movie ever.

Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Kahn is the best Star Trek movie ever.

Back to the Future was just purely amazing.

Your comment equals (n)thumbsdown(n)thumbsdown 4 apparently left thumbs down.

You want some movies to complain about, just watch the Star Wars prequels, Star Trek V... Back to the futrue trilogy was good, so there really isn't a bad one.:angel
Anything Star Trek..

Oh my... Dude, you have to be smoking something, or you are a troll.

How can you hate three of the best Sci-fi movies ever.

Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars movie ever.

Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Kahn is the best Star Trek movie ever.

Back to the Future was just purely amazing.

Your comment equals (n)thumbsdown(n)thumbsdown 4 apparently left thumbs down.

You want some movies to complain about, just watch the Star Wars prequels, Star Trek V... Back to the futrue trilogy was good, so there really isn't a bad one.:angel

I was trying to make a point / sarcasm. I thought the comment that "Back to the Future was just a two hour movie about incest" mighta tipped you off.

Some of the movies people are choosing as "worst movie of all time" are laughable. The OP started us out great with "Leprechaun 4" but it has spiraled into people posting ridiculous things such as Star Trek movies, The Rocketeer, Superman Returns, Castaway, Braveheart, Alice in Wonderland, ALL KEVIN SMITH MOVIES, etc. People posting these responses have never seen a bad movie if these are their NUMBER ONE CHOICES. That or they are hipsters trying to look cool on a dork forum.

One of the worst movies I have seen in a while is "Smokey and the Bandit 3" If you read about it on IMDB it was a train wreck from the beginning. Really really awful.
hone alone 3 and onwards. Classic hollywood **** up. Taking something that was quite funny and overdoing it horribly.

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