yet another Iron Man pep thread


Active Member
hi guys, I also have been slowly chugging away at a pep Iron Man. I am not going for any specific screen accurate suit, but more of a hybrid. I like hybrids for most of my projects. I acquired the pep files from a friend of mine, so I really didn't do too much research into who made what, or where they came from. But I do want to thank those who did do all that work to make it possible for me and others to do this. as far as completing it, I was told by a friend whose family works in a body shop of a material, like a putty of some sort, that can be smoothed with water by hand, and dries as hard as metal, but can still be sanded and painted easily. They use it to repair holes in car floors. he needs to find the box, for the correct name. When I get that info, I will pass it along. They also volunteered to paint it for me when it's done as well. and I do know that the forehead strip is reverse,and should be inverted. I have since done that since the pics were taken. I am open to any and all criticism, and advice.

anyway, enough rambling, let me post these pics.



