Yet another Boba Fett Pep Build. WIP


New Member
Boba Fett's helmet seems to be a popular choice for first time pep builders on these forums. Having been a long time fan I choose Boba Fett's notorious bucket for my first build as well.

I recently stumbled across the art of Pepakura while researching different methods for my costume project.

My first choice of material was foam however and as you can see that horrid attempt just didnt live up to my standards. I used a PDO that was not firefek's and the contours just didnt work out once I got the bottom half of the bucket assembled.

So I scrapped the above attempt and started looking for a better PDO file then the one I had. I ended up using Firefek's PDO since everyone else seemed to be using it and the current progress is a lot more promising.


The only thing that is concerning me at the moment is the way the left hand side of the recessed area just seems out of shape. all the number son the model are lining up but it to me somehow. I figured it would all work itself out as the pieces came together but figured id throw this work in progress thread up and see how people here reacted to it.

more to come as the project moves forward
so I had a hiccup or two with the pepakura...and ended up reconstructing the face and mandibles a second time. thankfully the resources from this forum helped me along and I now have this...


I opted to leave the "ear" pieces and range finder off for now. On to resin and then ill fiberglass the inside for strength
"yet another boba fett pep build" am i missing the other boba fett pep builds, after welsh's build i felt i was alone in this area.

very wise choice leaving off the ear pieces, i wasn't that smart when i pep't mine.

your thread was actually the reason I left them off. I am hoping to bypass some of the bumps you expearianced on your build and can do so only because you took the time to post about it. so thank you very much and feel free to throw whatever critisim you can my way as I build mine.
thank you very much, im happy i can encourage and help someone in there build. keep us posted and i'll help where i can.

im glad to see another boba build on the forums.
Sure, you might see a Fett pep helmet pop up once in a while, but no where near as much as the many Iron Man builds! :lol

Your pep looks pretty clean to me. I can't wait to see it all resin'd up!
Looking good so far mate, I look forward to seeing where this goes.
If you haven't already (but I'm pretty sure you will have) head over to, should come in handy and the guys on there are awesome.
Good to see another Fett bucket pep build. One of the reasons I have been releasing these files is to help get more Star Wars pep builds going and promote scratch build costuming in general. Nice progress so far.
Thanks guys. and since I havent said it already Thank you Fierfek for the PDO.

So I picked up supplies today...however since I have never worked with resin before (and because im meticulous) I decided to do a test run to make sure I have my mixture ratios down right.
I pepped out 2 boba fett shoulders (Fierfek's Pdo) mixed up a little resin and gave one a decent coat, it cured in a little over an hour. the end result wasnt what I expected, the piece has a sheen to it and the cardstock still has a fair amount of give. the corners of the piece obviously soaked up more resin because they were much more firm then the rest. I can only assume that I didnt coat it consistently enough overall. Anyways heres a pic of the test run... tommorrow Im going to give the bucket its first coat of resin when I get in from work and maybe use a little less hardener this time around.

@Redtogusa... I havent actually signed up for their forums yet BUT they do have some good resource pics that ive been looking over. Ill definitely register there soon tho, thanks for the tip.
It's normal for your first coat to be a little flexible, it'll take about 2 coats on the outside and two coats on the outside for it to be firm enough for Glassing.
So heres resin coat 1 & 2. Unfortunetly my noobness reigned supreme as i apparently added too much hardener to the first batch of resin. The resin can says clearly "add 7 drops for every ounce of resin". I poured 4 ounces... 7x4=28. not even 6 minutes passed and my mix had turned to a gel...naturally I didnt noticed until I had shalacked a brush stroke across the side of the helmet leaving a trail of gelatinous muck in its wake. Im sure I can sand it out once it all glassed inside but the lesson today for the resin noob is clear... Less is more. its truly a learn by doing skill.

my failure stroke
Nice one brother, I'm sure they'd be really impressed by your work.

Nice updates too, keep up the good work.

@Redtogusa... I havent actually signed up for their forums yet BUT they do have some good resource pics that ive been looking over. Ill definitely register there soon tho, thanks for the tip.
This looks great for your first build! Clean work! Just please....PLEASE......when it comes to the filler stage, take it easy! Small coats, thin coats....I would hate to see you have to do an extra bunch of work!!!!!!!!
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