Y-wing Gold Leader photos needed!


Sr Member
Anyone have good photos or link of gold leader original filming model?
I have photos from SW chronicles and Scuplting a galaxy, I need
more of the main hull to see all the greeblies ect... You can email to

Thank you!
Maybe this will make it easier,

Gold leader is the Y-wing which has the little Tie painted on the tip of nose, and no grey stripes on top of canopy.

I asked for same pics some time ago, with no success. I guess those who might be willing to share don´t have any pics, and those who have some don´t want/are not allowed to share...
Pics of the studio model with my Gold Leader paint job by Dean...





GF, can I ask you something via PM? Hope these help everyone.

At least 7:

red Y-Wing
Y-Wing with TIE kill marking on nose
Y-Wing with copper piping
Y-Wing with two bright stripes on canopy and different canopy mounted guns
Y-Wing with an "x" on the engine dome
Bill George Y-Wing
and another Y that I´ve only seen two pics of so far

There might have been some more pyro Ys. A friend of mine put quite some research into this. Could be though that one or two of those are pyro models or repaired pyros. Or could it even be that two of those Ys are the same with a renewed paintjob? Of course I´m not an expert on this...could anyone who is chime in please?
I just read that there were only 3 made (Not counting Bill George's Y-Wing). Do you think they repainted those 3 to make it look like more or is what I read incorrect?

The various Ys used many different parts, so unless some of those Ys I mentioned were blown up and repaired with different parts, I´d guess there must have been more than 3 Ys, although I´m not sure if there were 7, but I´m quite sure of the first six Ys I mentioned. One black and white pic I have shows a Y that I can´t really identify (-> #7), it could be the one with the TIE kill marking, but I have two versions of that pic, and one of them is mirrored, I just can´t decide which one. The canopy guns are missing. It could be that the 8rad parts on the neck show the same configuration as the red Y, then there´d really be 7 different Ys, or the pic is mirrored, then it could be the "TIE-Y".

I´m afraid that all my conclusions are completely wrong and some people who know the answer on this question are seriously laughing at me...:confused :confused
I don't know if this has been accounted for or not, but there was one Y with one incomplete wing/engine that was sent to England to be replicated in full scale for the hangar scenes. I don't believe that Y was shot for any ANH effects, if it was ever returned at all.
I don't know if this has been accounted for or not, but there was one Y with one incomplete wing/engine that was sent to England to be replicated in full scale for the hangar scenes. I don't believe that Y was shot for any ANH effects, if it was ever returned at all.

This was the red Y.

And the ANH Gold Y's were pretty much the same build/detail wise. There were 3 hero's and several pyro's. Only two of the three gold heroes are known to exist today.
Two pyros exist, they have rods coming out of the nose. One of these was photographed extensivly recently. Another pyro body is also in the hands of a private collector.
Here´s the 7 Y-Wings that I´ve seen pics of so far:

#1 - red Y (someone suggested it could have been kind of an early template to build the other Ys?)
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v679/darth_daniel/7 Y-Wings/?action=view&current=Y-Wing_15.jpg

#2 - Y-Wing with TIE kill marking on nose, heaviest weathering
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v679/darth_daniel/7 Y-Wings/?action=view&current=707fc850f0.jpg

#3 - Y-Wing with copper piping
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v679/darth_daniel/7 Y-Wings/?action=view&current=Y-Wing_04.jpg

#4 - Y-Wing with different guns and butt plate
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v679/darth_daniel/7 Y-Wings/?action=view&current=Y-Wing_111.jpg

#5 - Y-Wing with 4 dark triangles on engine dome (Y in the background)
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v679/darth_daniel/7 Y-Wings/?action=view&current=Y-Wing_02.jpg

#6 - unknown to me - could be a mirrored pic of the Y with TIE kill marking, but different droid
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v679/darth_daniel/7 Y-Wings/?action=view&current=dea659db80.jpg

#7 - Bill George Y, completely different details
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v679/darth_daniel/7 Y-Wings/?action=view&current=Y-Wing_124.jpg
Note also that the engine domes on #s 1 and 4 use the pointier half of the L'eggs egg, unlike the others.
Yes I´d also be interested in knowing which Y that was.

I´m discussing a theory on the Y with the black and white droid with a friend, and he´s found quite much evidence that it´s actually the Y with the TIE kill marking, he´s doing some great research work and found many similar weathering marks and spots on those Ys, so it´s pretty sure to say it´s one model with different droids.
So except for pyros, this would now make it 5 "hero" Y-Wings plus the red Y = 6 models.
Does anyone know which part was used for the vector vane on theyellow Ys?
I know the red Y had the vanes with the holes butthe yellows had the vanes with thebracing in it.
:) If you REALLY study the various photographs you will see that several of those Y's are the same model. Especially the paint booth photograph the forward model is the "Smithsonian Y". The red doesn't count since it was never on screen and the "George Y" definitely isn't in the same ballpark. When people go on about the various R2 units in the Y's, this doesn't matter either as the filming models had no droids in their sockets at the time. The various "gun turret" rear butt plate and upper mounting point on the three hero Y's have been changed over the years due to damage. Especially and most notably the "Smithsonian" gold Y. I will say their may have been 4 hero models but the evidence says 3. Which one Alan Ladd ended up with... well it wasn't the Smithsonian model. Either the Tie kill mark Y or the copper tubing Y.
Well the Bill George Y was used on screen, so it does count for me. The red Y may not have been used on screen, but at least it´s the same size, uses many similar parts and was built by ILM - so why not count it as an original Y-Wing.
There´s the three "hero" gold Ys, TIE-marking, copper piping and Smithonian, and finally the one with the 4 triangles on the engine dome. Following your theory of only 3 hero Ys, which one of the others is a repaint of the 4-triangle-Y or was repainted to become it? There´s a pic of the Smithonian Y and the 4 triangle Y mounted next to each other, so this one can be excluded.