X-WING & TIE PILOT HELMET progress pics

I think it's more a matter of that Gino can't say the origins of the helmet because A) he'd loose that potential source for other projects and b) possibly a friend. I know we'd all love to know but he's not going to say so just leave it at that.

He doesn't have to name names, I'm sure people would be satisfied if he stated either possibility that you outlined above.2 cents
amazing Tie helmet! gino kudos to you for not answering questions that dont have to be answered. i respect that fact that not every one needs to know certain details of things.

again, very amazing Helmet
Regardless of the back and forth, meaningless banter, it's an amazing piece. If I had the opportunity to own one of these, i'd jump at at.

Any updates GINO? Pics?
Thanks for the support guys. :thumbsup
No new updates yet as I have my hands completely full that the moment but it won't be long before I'm able to show more.
amazing tie helmet! Gino kudos to you for not answering questions that dont have to be answered. I respect that fact that not every one needs to know certain details of things.

Again, very amazing helmet
Originally Posted by GINO 07-16-2009, 11:11 pm​
It's hard to beat down these myths as it is, especially once they've already spread. Anything we can do to keep things clear........is probably a good thing.​
Well said, Gino, well said.
Now now guys be fair it could be cast from "original" only question is original what ? because as has allready been shown it sure aint no original TIE helmet.....
Unless gino's got him an original SDS TIE, just like the ones on AA's website right now :lol :lol

O.K seriously now... Gino you stated it was cast from "all original" it occured to me that the only helmets to use those ears are the tie and the AT-AT driver so if it was all cast from original then it must have been one of the two and as we now know it wasnt an original tie then the obvious answer is that you are claiming to have cast an original AT-AT driver helmet??
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Gino youre backtracking and to me it looks like youre trying to fudge the issue!

The word "hero" is irrelevant - there's only one HERO TIE known in existance and I've handled it several times.

The question was - Is your helmet a cast from an ORIGINAL TIE HELMET MADE FOR STAR WARS A NEW HOPE?

As SeanB13 has said it sounds like youre saying youve got bits from different original helmets (e.g. Stormtrooper, rebel). Thats fine but NOT the same as "cast from an original TIE"



good point...im surprised no1 has addressed this comment yet
Im guessing that the silence means everyone was right here, Gino has allready said that he didnt cast an original TIE so the only other place he could have gotten the "original" ears is an AT-AT driver (only one is still known to exist i beleive - not counting the one stolen years ago which could be anywhere or even smashed) now im guessing that the owner of said helmet didnt let him rip it apart to cast knowing it was the only original to exist.
So question is what "original" did the ears come from if they were not TIE or AT-AT ??

And im not trying to belittle the work done by GIno here they are truly beautiful helmets and very skillfully made but if you are going to claim "original" then prepare to have questions - exactly the same as Gino does in anyone elses threads! :thumbsup
Um. No.


OK then enlighten me - you have said yourself that you didnt cast an original TIE and the only other helmet to use those ears is the AT-AT you are saying you cast the only AT-AT driver helmet in existance??

You did say you cast it all from original remember, or was this bending the truth a little?.
I think those two helmet look awesome! Can't wait to see more pics, especially of the Rebel Pilot helmet.
Looking forward to get one of these beauties in the future.
OK then enlighten me - you have said yourself that you didnt cast an original TIE and the only other helmet to use those ears is the AT-AT you are saying you cast the only AT-AT driver helmet in existance??

You did say you cast it all from original remember, or was this bending the truth a little?.

Actually (unless I missed it) Gino has never claimed to have made the moulds himself.

post 42:
Nope. All cast from original.

We don't know how they were made, or whether 'original' means screen-used, or production leftover.
Lets not worry about what we don't know.

Since, what we DO know is that its pretty clear to everyone that these helmets were most certainly NOT cast off moulds from an original TIE or AT-AT helmet. We can be sure of that because so many of the parts are inaccurate - and this goes well beyond assembly. For example, the ears and mohawk give it away immediately.

Gino said "original" without clarifying exactly what was original. I believe that was underhand as he mistakingly thought that people would accept his word rather than call his bluff. Wrong!

Its a shame that rather than fess up he'd rather continue to play games to try and prolong the deception. Poor form.


Lets not worry about what we don't know.

Since, what we DO know is that its pretty clear to everyone that these helmets were most certainly NOT cast off moulds from an original TIE or AT-AT helmet. We can be sure of that because so many of the parts are inaccurate - and this goes well beyond assembly. For example, the ears and mohawk give it away immediately.

Gino said "original" without clarifying exactly what was original. I believe that was underhand as he mistakingly thought that people would accept his word rather than call his bluff. Wrong!

Its a shame that rather than fess up he'd rather continue to play games to try and prolong the deception. Poor form.



correct me if im worng here Jez (as you are the man who knows) but the "ears" were sculpted purely for these helmets to cover the join and therefore any originals could only come from a screen used? and if im right there is no way they are "all cast from original" as has been claimed because the ears were not a "found" item.