X-Men Screen-used Costumes, Visor, and Oakley Juliets


Sr Member
Just thought I'd post about the X-Men stuff shown last night briefly on Hollywood Treasure. They had a bunch of the screen-used costumes and the Cyclops Ruby Quartz Visor and Oakley Juliets. Couldn't find any video, but here's a picture.

This stuff belongs to John Azarian. I always wondered who bought the Oakleys' Cyclops wore, I've never seen any pictures of them aside from the ones from the auction at PropStore.

All of that would be a dream to own, the costumes are in excellent condition, and I love the custom base's made for everything!
Sorry, can the mods please move this to the Screen-Used Section, I didn't even notice I posted it in the wrong place.

They did talk about them for a minute. I'm no expert, but shouldn't he be concerned about moisture by keeping those props in a pool house?
Judging from the show he has a room with alot of his collection i'm hoping he just brought them out of a different room to show the viewers, that would be a waste if he actually not only kept them in a pool house but what appears in the picture to be 2 feet from the actual pool itself.
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