X-men: First Class costumes?

Ask and ye shall receive SD. :)

Here are a few better pictures. LARGE PHOTOS INCOMING:
Here's the texture of the yellow bits along with the zipper. The zipper is pretty heavy duty and actually has two pulls. I was quite impressed with the jacket overall, but some of the details need a bit of work.


Here's a shot of the clips. The straps are sewn to the jacket and the clips seem to be quite sturdy for what it's worth.

And here's the jacket overall (minus the valves- more on this in a sec) It's a better representation of the colors than my last post.

Here are the 3 basic textures of the jacket. The collar and the ribs have a larger weave than the sleeves.

The Collar

And here are the valves. This is pretty much the only problem with the jacket. The pieces are painted wood and as you can see, not cut very well. Also they were attached to the jacket with what looks like a hot glue gun. So by the time it made it state side the valves pretty much fell off. But it's nothing a little superglue or a pin and cap can't fix.

Also not pictured is the belt. It's a pleather material with the valve in the center and cinches via Velcro.
Awesome pics, i am working out with someone to make those buckles. When i confirm pictures i will share it here as well.

Awesome Magneto suit btw!
Thanks for the update and photos, Papermashia. :)
Not too sure I like the fact that they supplied painted wood as hardware and luggage clips for the harness gear. Which look nothing like the ones on the screen worn suit. Am I seeing that yellow material as non woven, but as a flat/solid pleather-vinyl? I thought the eBay photos showed a thick woven material that looked similar to the kevlar.

Awesome pics, i am working out with someone to make those buckles. When i confirm pictures i will share it here as well.

Awesome Magneto suit btw!

I'd love to see all the hardware replicated, not just the buckles. :love
Thanks for the update and photos, Papermashia. :)
Not too sure I like the fact that they supplied painted wood as hardware and luggage clips for the harness gear. Which look nothing like the ones on the screen worn suit. Am I seeing that yellow material as non woven, but as a flat/solid pleather-vinyl? I thought the eBay photos showed a thick woven material that looked similar to the kevlar.

I'd love to see all the hardware replicated, not just the buckles. :love

The yellow is a pleather. This isn't the ebay suit that was linked, it's the one from "Just Marvel X-Men". From the pictures, the ebay suit was closer to the texture of the yellow, but the blue portions looked to be denim, so I chose this one. I ultimately think that the best compromise would be to get both and cannibalize them. Or if you can find the material use the pleather as a template and replace it.

From the hardware side, I know what you mean, I was disappointed that it's wood, but I think that there's a few places on ebay to get metal versions of the valves. http://cosplaysky.com/x-men-first-class-costume-belt-buckle-pin-set.html As for the buckles, If you're handy with a needle and thread it wouldn't be too hard to replace these. I'm considering doing so, but I have a lot of sewing ahead of me (This is the base of my Beast costume) so who knows if I'll get to it before Halloween.
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The yellow is a pleather. This isn't the ebay suit that was linked, it's the one from "Just Marvel X-Men". From the pictures, the ebay suit was closer to the texture of the yellow, but the blue portions looked to be denim, so I chose this one. I ultimately think that the best compromise would be to get both and cannibalize them. Or if you can find the material use the pleather as a template and replace it.

From the hardware side, I know what you mean, I was disappointed that it's wood, but I think that there's a few places on ebay to get metal versions of the valves. X-men First Class Costume Belt Buckle Fitting Set | CosplaySky.com As for the buckles, If you're handy with a needle and thread it wouldn't be too hard to replace these. I'm considering doing so, but I have a lot of sewing ahead of me (This is the base of my Beast costume) so who knows if I'll get to it before Halloween.

Wow u found the link. I found these off another person for the same price! Guess its being mass produced >.<
The one at Cosplaysky is made by jean material. however dont get it just yet, coz i am working with the ppl to get a more accurate one made. and then they will change their pic. I provided them enough pics and they were thinking of making a proper Xavier/Mags/Mystique one.
Would love to have a Banshee or Havok version, heck maybe even all of them including Beast that has the sleeves and legs trimmed off. Any chance that they would tweak the final design to fit those in as well?
I can't seeing it being much more time consuming if they are willing to go the extra mile to make those first two more accurate.
Watched the special features on the blu ray this week, and the blue material was a hand waffled ballistic nylon, hand ribbed leather, and yellow woven silk to emulate the yellow kevlar. If you think of it, you wouldn't be able to cut the kevlar with a knife or shears.

The metal buckles was custom molded in I'm assuming a plastic, so trying to track down the hardware is pretty futile at this point. Unless someone is still attempting to CNC or custom make those pieces. Majority of the csotumes seen in Firdt Class was hand made for the actors. So any off the shelf items...not so much.
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I ordered the Cosplaysky version, on Saturday i will post pics.

Papermashia do you have any more pictures?

I been coordinating with cosplaysky and been working on the magneto version. It will be out soon, but they do not like sewing caps on the suit. So when it's done, they will post pics of it. However, u will need to attach those "caps" things urself and replace the harness for something better.
whatdo you mean "caps"?

and if i have time before halloween i plan on replacing the harness but using the buckles that come with it. has anyone ID'd the boots yet?
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